I've spent the past week in Vegas...mostly hanging out. It's been great. Here's the picture recap of the trip.
Karson turned 7 months 12/24. Time is flying, and he's getting so big.
We went to the Bellagio on Christmas Eve. Looks like that's becoming the new Christmas Eve tradition. Karlee really liked the water show this time. She didn't really love the picture taking though.
attempting a family shot
I've never seen the waters shoot as high as they did to O Holy Night
more attempts for family picture. try getting 2 kids to look and smile.
Christmas morning was pretty fun. Karlee loved opening presents. The kids got a ton of stuff.
I got the kids a tent and tunnel. Karlee insisted I stay inside for a while even while we did skype with my parents.
they liked the tent a little more than the picture shows. Karlee wants to go in it all the time now.
She's probably going to kill me, but here's one of Chelsea's Christmas presents from me
This picture is hideous, but in my head it was so cute. I can't even believe I am posting it. I look huge!
Karson is smiling and laughing all the time now
More attempts at pictures. I have several empty frames, and I was hoping to get some cute pictures with the kids to put in them
I've had a great week down here. It is always fun to come and play with the kids and spend time relaxing. It's about the only time I'm not completely overscheduled and I love it.