ever since i was a freshman in college (a long long time ago), i have been going to st. george for thanksgiving. it is only a few hours away and much more realistic than flying home for the holiday. my grandparents are getting older, and it's getting harder for them to host at their house. i am so glad it worked out again this year and that chelsea and her family were able to come from california.
i didn't take any pictures of the actual meal besides a few posts on snapchat. kenzie tasted some mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes.
we always walk to the park after eating. the kids enjoyed playing at the park.
don't be deceived by the sun. it was much colder this year than it is some years. thanksgiving day was the warmest of our days there.
abby, kyler, and karlee on the swings. karlee wanted to make sure she was in the picture.
attempting to get a better picture in the light. some of the kids weren't too cooperative/
cousins and inlaws and kids of cousins-fun to be with extended family.
chelsea and her kids with grandpa and grandma-so happy they came to st. george.
we all left early saturday afternoon to go home. it was sad to leave and say goodbye. i'm happy we all made it to celebrate the holiday weekend with extended family.