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Saturday, March 30, 2013

martin family easter party

way back when i started this blog, i did a short little post about the martin sisters. long story short we were roommates for years and years and years before they got married. since their family is in utah, i became the adopted sister. i feel so lucky any chance i get to spend with their family. all of the in state siblings and the parentals got together today to celebrate easter. their mom is the best party planner...activities galore. everyone had a blast.

kids decorated giant sugar cookie bunnies

they played in a pool full of corn

i tried to soak up a little sun while the kids played. it was heavenly.

celebrated dyana's daughter leah's birthday with the cutest cake ever.

after dinner and the easter egg hunt (sorry no pics), all the grown ups started in a little game of martin family olympics. we laughed our heads right off...seriously.

it was seriously such a great day. i love love love the martin family so much. they treat me like one of theirs. i'm a lucky girl. and bonus...the sun was out most of the day. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

book club

i ended up hosting book club at the last minute this month. i basically never ever read the book (even though i really do want to) unless i am hosting. well. this time i didn't plan to host so i never read the book...oops.

even though i can't really participate in any book discussion, we always have plenty of other things to talk about...for hours and hours. and the food...well, apparently the book talks about twinkies. i made some wannabe twinkies and other cupcakes. it was a little thrown together but turned out ok.

we mostly get together to see each other and talk about all things besides the book. it is always a lot of fun, and time goes by so quickly. thanks for the night of fun girls. please bless i get next month's book read..fingers crossed.

cake stand

I made this cake stand recently. They are so easy. Just glue plate/charger to candlestick or glass. GOOP glue is my favorite. Thanks Courtney for the charger idea. Unfortunately...or not, the candlestick and glass came from the dollar store. I really wish crafting didn't entail going to the dollar store so often.

Monday, March 25, 2013

weekend happs

this weekend was pretty low key...just what I needed. after a crazy week and plans that fell through I decided to take friday evening to slow down just a little. i generally run my crazy busy head off so it was desperately needed.

my hip started bugging bad this past week so I've sentenced myself to swimming only for a bit which gave me am excuse to sleep in. by the time i worked out, ran some errands, did my taxes (yes finally did my taxes), and went to dinner the day was basically over.

i spent sunday mostly doing churchy things. i did get to spend a little time with friends and their itty bitty babe. i just love those tiny little things.

i also did a little shopping and obsessing over basketball (until my bracket basically died)

i finally put up a few easter decorations. it's so early this year!

the weekend flew by WAY TOO FAST! how was your weekend? anything fun to report?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

latest cake(s)

co worker Alyssa is having a little babe in a couple of weeks. it's been forever and ever (since her gender reveal) since I've made a cake so I made a cake for her baby shower. i had tons of extra frosting and decided to make this little green cake for st patty's day for a friend. i wish I had more time in my life to make cakes. it's so fun! anyone need a gender reveal anytime soon?!?

Friday, March 22, 2013

5 little confessions

lately i feel like i keep starting posts with it's been a while... well, it's been a while since i did a 5 little confessions post so here ya go...

i'm linking up with megan and friends who are sharing 5 fun facts so my fun facts are in the form of confessions.

1. life is kicking me in the booty lately. i usually feel like i have it together (more or less), but lately it's been less...much less
i knew i needed to do something about it so i spent some time at the temple tonight. it was exactly what i needed. go here and here if you want to know a little more about the temple

2. if you have looked at my tabs, you can see they are in process. i NEED to devote some major time to this little blog hopefully this weekend.

3. i've totally missed the boat on posting about google reader going away. i must be in some sort of denial. seems like bloglovin' is where everyone is headed. you can find me there. maybe/hopefully eventually before it retires, i will transfer everything over.

4. speaking of google reader, mine has 664 unread posts right now. kill me now! how i am ever supposed to catch up?!?

5.i've only read 1 page for my bookclub book that is next week...oops

that's it for now. anyone have anything they are dying to confess to all the people of the internet?

Monday, March 18, 2013

weekend happs

if you recall, I like to abbreviate things...basically all things. weekend happs=weekend happenings. i might make this more of a regular thing.

 met up with some girlfriends and did a little shopping, chatting, hot tubbing, and trip planning

ran almost 14 miles for the first time in months...wanted to die

college work (HBLL...BYU library) lunch meetup. totally forgot to take a picture of anything except this bag that i MUST have...blogger fail

made easter candy. candy making is hard...harder than it looks

made a sticker chart...for real. it's way beyond time to get my booty back in gear

the weekend was pretty fab. sunday nights always make me sad, and this week was no exception. how was your weekend? what did you do?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Liebster Award

with all the new peeps around here, i've been thinking about doing a few get to know you type posts. i mentioned doing an intro to my fam, and i will prob still do that soon.
google images...who knows if this is really the right graphic?!?
in the meantime, Melanie over at Van Wynsberg Nest nominated me for the Liebster Award. i've seen it going around blogland a little, and i am completely flattered. i did a quick search and found this post with details. thanks Melanie!
here are the rules from melanie...
1. Answer the 11 questions the blogger who nominated you asked you
2. Give 11 random facts about yourself
3. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answers

in searching a little more, it looks like the rules are a little bit up in the air such as #3 can be 200-3000 followers and the number to nominate originally was 3-5. sounds like you can do whatever you want...perfect!

here are the answers to melanie's questions...
1. What is a favorite childhood memory you have? when we were really little and sharing a bed, my sister literally kicked me out of the bed.
Were you more of a tomboy or princess growing up? total princess...picking flowers on the soccer field
3. What is a dream you have? be a stay at home something
4. What is an accomplishment you are proud of? running marathons
5. Whose a hero in your life? my 81 year old running friend
6. What is one fear you have? failure
7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? a beach anywhere...lately i'm obsessed with the saints (virgin islands)
8. Do you have a current favorite TV show, if so, what is it? the bachelor
9. What is one of your favorite quotes? "we must let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us"  joseph campbell
10. Do you like to cook or bake? love both

11. What's an interesting fact about yourself? i feel naked if my nails aren't painted

11 random facts...
1. growing up i didn't like any kind of dark soda 
2. i went to college planning to be a doctor
3. i never ever let myself buy baby clothes for the future
4. i played the piano the whole time i was growing up but never tell anyone (until now)
5. scary movies freak me out
6. if i was faster, i would totally do an ironman
7. i really want to be a stay at home something
8. i love love love crafts but can't draw even a little
9. i love to read but choose talking over reading almost every time
10. new menus are so overwhelming
11. even if i'm not going anywhere, i always put on makeup
i nominate...

i'm going with the 3-5 option, but basically i nominate all you lovelies. let me know if you do a post, and i'll link you here.

here are your 11 questions to answer...
1. what's your favorite thing about blogging?
2. most embarrassing moment
3. favorite dessert
4. dream job
5. what blog do you HAVE to read daily?
6. wardrobe staple
7. favorite book, movie, or tv show
8. your best recipe
9. fly or drive?
10. make or buy?
11. favorite holiday

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

can i use my phone for that?!? {blogger roundtable 1.0}

if you're new around here, WELCOME. i'm so excited to have you and would love to learn a little more about you.

i can't even believe it has taken me almost one whole week to post about this fab event. bonnie and elizabeth hosted a blogger roundtable last week to talk about all things blogging and especially social media. the time went by so so quickly, and i really could have stayed all night. not only did i pick up some great blogging tips, i met the most adorable girls including my valentine swap partner. yay for blogger meetups. i do the majority of my blogging from my phone so the joke of the night was my constant question "can i use my phone for that?" with every suggestion. the answer i'm founding out is actually yes. yay!

they are planning these once a month. i'm so excited! if you're in utah, you should definitely come! thanks ladies for being so darling and hosting such a fun event.


thank you thank you elizabeth for the non cell phone pics

Monday, March 11, 2013

Giveaway Time

I'm so excited to announce I am participating
 in a St. Patrick's Day giveaway. Prize is a $165 Target gift card so go enter.

Pondered Primed Perfected | Glossy Blonde | Delightful Dream

 So excited to be teaming up with all the fabulous ladies above to bring to you another fabulous giveaway except this time we are celebrating Saint Patrick's Day :) If it wasn't for the ladies above this giveaway wouldn't be possible so please take a second to visit their blogs and say thanks! We are giving away a $165 Target giftcard to one lucky person.
Giveaway Details:
+You MUST be a My Beautiful, Crazy Life reader
+This giveaway will end on March 16 at 11:00p.m. so get your entries in before its too late!
+Winner will be verified, so make sure your doing what you say you are :) 
+Winner will be contacted via e-mail & need to respond within 24 hours or a new winner will be chosen.
Good luck :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Missouri Wrap Up/Camera Pics

this is the last post about my trip to missouri...i promise. i also promised when i spent the money on a nice camera that i would take it places and use it. it's so much easier to just use my phone, but i did use my camera a few times on the trip.

we spent the first night in a hotel in st louis. the kids and chelsea went swimming. since my luggage was lost i had no swim suit to go with them. after a really long day of travel the kids were happy to do something fun.

when i said the weather wasn't that great, i wasn't kidding. it snowed the first 5 days we were there, but luckily it doesn't really stick too much there. living in california, the kids never ever see snow. they were excited to go out and play. it lasted less than 5 minutes before they were ready to come inside.

whenever most of us are together, we usually try to take some semi nice pictures. between all of us we have enough nice cameras to hope for at least one decent picture. it was snowing that morning, and we were all freezing. i'm pretty sure we were out there for less than 10 minutes. between cold and sick kids and cranky adults, the group pictures aren't the best, but a couple smaller groups aren't too bad.

ashely and jake

not sure why we didn't get my mom in any of these except that it was FREEZING

pretty close to the whole family...minus brother in law Jeff. maybe one day soon i will do a family intro..yes?

my mom wanted to try a few in the house

this picture is not good, but i HAD to post it. look at little go ahead and die at the cuteness

karson with uncle zach

karlee with uncle zach

karson with uncle jordan

i did actually take my nice camera to feed the ducks, but since the ducks didn't want to eat there aren't very many pictures. also, even though it didn't snow that day it was a lot colder at the park than we thought.

that's all for this trip. i'll be back tomorrow to tell you about life (think blogger meetup) post trip. what has everyone else been up to lately?
