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Sunday, August 26, 2012

5 little confessions

it's been a while since i did a 5 little confessions post. there has been one in the works for a while, but i just can't seem to get it together.

1. this is less of a confession and more of a tip. i'm pretty sure it's public knowledge that i hate washing my hair. i never do it. it's a little gross thanks to suave dry shampoo. seriously, try it. you're welcome

2. i've eaten at cafe rio 4 times in the past 2 1/2 weeks. i know. it's bad.

3. i jumped in the shower to rinse off after running before the pool yesterday planning to take a real shower later. that real shower didn't happen until 11:30 pm after shopping for 5 hours and of course running into someone i know. how embarrasing!

4. my to do list for home has exploded to 5 post it notes. every morning i swear to myself i am going to get some of this taken care of, and every night it gets later and later. i'm happy to report i have checked off a couple things today, but seriously, I need to get a grip.

5. i had serious ADD at church today. i'm not even kidding. i could not focus for even one second. i have no idea what my problem is these days.

ok people. let's hear it. what are your confessions?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

august part 1

i spent the first few days of august down in vegas with baby kyler and family. naturally the first few days revolved around him. 

1: all ready to go OUTSIDE for the first time

2: three kids. ONE look

3: thank you sonic for taking back the canadian COIN you gave me as change last week

4: somewhere i sat. spent a lot of hours on this couch holding the new babe and watching the olympics


6: most of my WRITING was confidential, but there is some WRITING on the wall (sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple)

7: 8 o'clock. beginning and ending of work day

8: GLASSES/cup.. same diff

9: need at least one whole day to clean this MESS of a closet

10: RINGS. the bigger the better

11: this parade of homes bedroom was definitely PURPLE

12: SPOON. making birthday treats



15: READY for pool day

Sunday, August 19, 2012

kyler pics

remember the post about baby kyler when i promised to post more of the pictures i took??? i'm finally getting around to posting.

i bought a new camera 2 days before he was born so i really still have no idea how to use it. trying to take pictures of 3 kids is a bit of a challenge. kyler was basically asleep the whole week i was there except when we tried taking his pictures. he wouldn't stay asleep for anything. we luckily got a few cute ones.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

my week in Vegas

I spent the past week in Vegas. I went down to help with new baby Kyler.

i met up with my friend lauri and her daughter at the children's museum

even though it was hot as blazes we went to the park 3x 

i held the little babe as much as possible

i also watched as much olympics as possible

it was such a great week. can't wait to go back.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rocky Mountain Raceway

I'm getting good use of the pass of all passes this summer. When plans to go to 7 peaks didn't work out Michelle and Andrew, Nettie and JP, Tina, and I went to the raceway. I had pretty low expectations, but it was actually really entertaining. I might even go back.

Monday, August 6, 2012


I have a new nephew. Chelsea and Jeff had baby Kyler last Sunday. Poor baby #3 is already not getting as many pictures, but I have been instagramming the little thing. He's the cutest little thing, and I just love newborns.

do these kids all look the same or what? definitely siblings.

karlee loves holding kyler

he loves the binky and if you don't give it to him, he finds his thumb. this was day #2 of life

all the kids at the hospital

more baby pics

going home from the hospital. so little in the carseat

i barely took any pics with the kid even though i got to hold him lots

i finally bought a new camera (hallelujah) and took some baby pics. i will post them soon. some turned out pretty cute.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

july part 2

july is already over. how is that even possible? here's part 2 of #photoadayjuly. who wants to join in the august fun?

if anyone has any clue why i can't get a few of the pictures to center, please tell me. it is driving me completely crazy.

16: sign. definitely time for a dye job

17: my addiction

18: plate. 9:00 and still haven't used one yet.

19: animal. cat toys are the best kind of toys

20: eye. a heckuva lotta makeup later

21: 9:00. just back from a morning run

22: upside down or right side up gluten free is sometimes a bit of a disast

23: mirror. little is cuter. always

24: celebrating pioneer day by logging into a class with some STRANGERs

25: heart seriously someone please tell me why this won't center

26: sunshine

27: on the road. with all the construction

28: cup. is there really any other kind?

29: last thing i bought

30: calm. 2 days old and he already found his thumb. just about killed me

31: toothbrush. apparently these clean better also, i would like
 to know why this dumb thing won't center