i seriously can't believe today is the last day of 2015. it seems like the year was just starting, and now it's over.
if you've been on instagram the past week you've seen everyone posting their top 9 photos of the year. mine was a little ruined by some popular giveaways i participated in so i decided to do a monthly review here instead. this year definitely flew by so quickly, and these are just a few of the highlights.
in january i started the year by setting goals with friends for the new year. i picked the word focus and chose a different topic of focus each month.

in february i went to the ice castles with tiffany and sage. it was the first time going to the ice castles, and it really was so cool. it was also our first real time hanging out which ended up leading to a lot of fun memories this year.

it actually happened in february, but in march i blogged about build your blog conference. i decided to go at the last minute and found out the night before that some of my friends were going. i had the best time and learned some good things to help my blog continue to grow.
i went to california in april to meet my new baby niece and visit my sister and her family.