things are off to a bit of a rough start this season. i never finished watching last week so i don't even know who is still on. even if i knew the names, does anyone really know who anyone is at this point?!? it always takes me several weeks to figure out who is who.
i started watching tonight about half way through. due to the holiday, monday night tradish is on pause until next week so i am watching solo tonight.
i started watching at the start of the basketball date. lee has a short interview so i know he is still there. i am 95% sure he goes all the way on my bracket. i'm also glad josiah is there. i think i have him going pretty far. demario seems to be a hot topic already. is he going to be the problem causer??? and then comes a girl that claims to be demario's girlfriend-uh oh! looks like i tuned in right at the perfect time. there is A LOT of talking and none of it makes sense. who even know what is going on here...i still have no idea what happened but demario is gone.
rachel likes josiah. the end.
i haven't decided if i'm doing a word tally this season, but i have already heard amazing and right reasons a lot of times tonight.
the cocktail party starts and there are less than 8 minutes of the show left. when is this show going to learn we want to have the rose ceremony at the end of each week???
i don't know who the guy is with the dollhouse, but that is pretty cute. some of these guys are pretty smart to lighten the mood a little.
another week of to be continued...insert angry emoji face here.
who got the one on one(s) this week? what else did i miss?