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Monday, August 31, 2015

weekend happs

i know i keep talking about summer ending, but it's a real problem. i have serious seasonal anger disorder (yes i made that up, and yes it's real) so the end of summer pretty much ruins my life.

some years utah likes to jump the gun on fall a little, but this year the weather is cooperating with the calendar-HOT!

i worked a lot of long days last week so i took friday afternoon off to sit by the pool. it was amazing! 
i had to make a cake friday night so i planned to grab some dinner and come back and back. that is what happened except we ended up going out for dinner. i didn't bring real clothes or any makeup or anything. i was a little embarrassed to be out in public, but oh well.
after dinner i came back and baked a gender reveal cake. it's been a while since i have made a cake so even though i was really tired it was a lot of fun.
we had the prettiest sunrise on our saturday morning run.
after the run i went back to the pool. it wasn't super sunny, but we stayed out until the very end anyway. we picked up some dinner and came home to decorate the cake. i loved making the cake, but by the time i was finished i had been awake for 20 hours and completely exhausted. all i wanted to do was sleep.

thanks to 1:00 church, i slept in on sunday. i woke up early and refused to stay awake. after church i dropped off the gender reveal cake.

michelle and andrew had their baby this weekend so i stopped by the hospital to see them. michelle and i were roommates after college for years so she's basically like my sister. babies are my favorite so it was the perfect visit. i could hold that little babe all day.

another amazing weekend. how was yours? any exciting happs?

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Friday, August 28, 2015

5 on Friday

i know this is a linkup somewhere, but i just spent 30 minutes looking for it. i can't find it so i'm giving up. i'll just say this...5 on friday is not my idea. i got it from someone somewhere, and i have no idea where which brings me to #1.
thanks kaylynn for my new fave hashtag
1. #sonotdoingitall
social media can make it look like people have it all together. i exercise, work, spend time with friends and family, travel, run, blog, etc, etc. people tell me all the time they don't know how i do it all. the truth is-I DON'T. i don't sleep nearly as much as i should. i feel like i'm running on empty almost all of the time. looks can be deceiving. 

2. massage
ever since i injured my hip and had hip surgery, my hip has been super tight. sitting on the floor all day surely doesn't help. i'ved tried a lot of things, and it's still the same. i decided recently to try more intense massage. i had the best 90 minute massage last night. even if my hip is still tight, the rest of my body was so relaxed.

3. weather
we had the weirdest weather on wednesday. it was rainy and kind of cold. it was only 70 degrees most of the day. it made me think of fall, and it made me sad. i've had the best summer, and i don't want it to end.

4. 21 day reset
the 21 days are almost over. i'll have a full recap next week, but it's been so great. i am so glad i did it. it's so great being more mindful of what i eat, and i'm doing so much better drinking more water.i'm a little sad the 21 days are ending.

5. september slumber soiree
i am so excited for this year's blogger sleepover. we had the best time last year, and i am looking forward to this year. tickets are on sale now for anyone interested in attending.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

blogging the paradise 2.4

i don't always look at twitter especially on sunday night. i don't usually watch until monday. for some reason i did read twitter this sunday. after the tweets i saw, i can't even wait to watch.

who's watching: celsey, lacey, alicia, amanda, alexis, and alyssa

everyone is mad at joe from last week. we basically can't stand him and no one has anything noteworthy to say.

rose ceremony
i'm going to pick my nose and flick my boogers on samantha--cel
does he think they're not going to show what he said--alicia
that might be the best dress we've seen from jade in her whole bachelor history
why the suspenders?!?
i hate this 5 hour long rose ceremony--lacey
she and tanner are the lacy and marcus. so boring--alexis
everyone's acting so normal about this--alexis
she's a single mom not a dead animal--alexis

tanner and jade on a date
we're dressed so nice. i'm in a cotton dress--cel
do you think he's googled her--cel
do i need to show you the video tanner--cel
she's going to be the pregnancy scandal--cel
what does he do? (we don't know but we think it must be finance or something) well, she works at wet seal so it's perfect--cel 
update..tanner is an auto finance manager

nick arrives with a date card, samantha says no and he takes ashley s
jorge is famous now. he's going to be the next bachelor--alyssa
why don't they ask the producers--alyssa
eeewww, noooo!--everyone
he looks like he's on chip n dales--alexis
who knew she could get crazier--alicia

back at the house, samantha seems like she's avoiding joe, jared breaks ashley i's heart, joe sets up his own birthday party
well it's only 10am--alicia
how hard is it to not repeat outfits in 2 weeks--cel
if you didn't plan to stay that long, order something online--alicia
wait, you're confused about the drama you caused--amanda
you already need to work on things and you've known each other for a week--alicia
here comes the ugly cry--alicia
here's what i want to know. why does everyone want samantha--cel
how is she welcome with open arms--amanda

the next morning at the house
she needs to recap all the time--lacey about carly's hilarious recap
i can totally see her hooking up with joe--alicia
her crying is making me anxious
tanner and jared the detectives
why would you blackmail someone into loving you--amanda

mikey gets the date card and obviously takes juelia
why does everyone act like this is her only chance to find love? she'll go home and date like all other single moms--alexis
again i wouldn't trust a private mexican airline--lacey
they just need an intervention--lacey
there's nothing like making out ringside at a WWE match--cel
i'm so embarrassed for them--amanda
i'm still waiting to see what's so amazing about that room--cel
hashtag sex hair--cel

kirk and carly on a fake date
i thought she liked to fish--cel
if someone tries to take me on a romantic date, and they take me fishing...oh boy

bonfire at the house, joe is still trying to talk to sam, justin arrives
he looks like one of snow white's dwarfs--amanda
it's a thousand degrees why are you wearing a beanie. you should never wear a beanie and a swimsuit--amanda
is she wearing a custom cut wife beat--cel
imagine how awkward this show would be without the music--lacey
fire chris harrison if he lets me walk into the show covered in sweat--cel
she's keeping him on the hook so he doesn't show the text messages--amanda

tear tally
12-how do i even count? ashley i cried for hours and hours. we didn't see any actual tears from joe, but i'm pretty sure it was close a few times.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

how we wore it//summer cool

it's my fave collab of the month-how we wore it- time. in case you've missed it, brooke picks an inspiration look. we all come up with our own take on the look and post. it forces me to be a little creative, and i love seeing how everyone chooses to style the look. the signup process has changed a little. head on over to silver lining if you want to join in on the fun.
inspiration photo

at first i didn't think i had one single thing in my closet, but after thinking about it for a few days, i realized i do have several options that could work. 

photos by ashley
target cardi|old navy shirt|bella bird skirt|nordstrom bag|toms

i can't wait to see how everyone else wore this look.
Brooke at Silver Lining
Deidre at Deidre Emme
Jana at Bouvardian
Alexa at He and I
Aubrey at Aubrey Zaruba
Brooklyn at A Little Too Jolley
Rachel at Rachel Sayumi
Sharlee at My New Lines
Emma at Ever Emma
Kyla at FordOlogy
Kalyn at Geez Louise
Tayler at The Morrell Tale
Bonnie at Life of Bon

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

the color run take 2

ever since co-worker chris and i did the color run last year, we've been looking forward to doing it again this year. we signed up months ago, and it totally snuck up on me last weekend. luckily it worked out for us to still do it.
getting ready to start
but first, let me take a selfie
yellow color zone
pink color zone
there was a sparkle zone before the finish line. love loved it.
finish line
we definitely got more colored this year. we loved the sparkle and had the best time. if you're considering a color run, i highly suggest. it's definitely a family friendly event.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

weekend happs

i will enjoy every last minute of summer until it is totally gone. i probably should start shopping for boots or sweaters or something, but i just can't. i will be in denial about summer ending until it's long gone. for now, i'm still loving summer.

we had our summer work party friday evening. they went with a hero (super hero and local hero) theme which included policemen, firemen (my personal fave), EMTs, and a few super heroes. it was fun to catch up with families i've worked with over the years.

i stopped by walmart on my way home for some groceries. i got super sidetracked by the clothes. they have so many good workout clothes on clearance right now-tanks for $5, padded sports bras for $7, tech t shirts $5. i also bought a one piece swimsuit for $5. i'm not super convinced about it yet, but it was too cheap to not buy. i also bought a white v neck for $3 and some white layering tanks for $1.68. yes $1.68. i highly suggest a trip to your local walmart.

i got up early saturday morning to run as many miles as i could with my group. we started with a little smaller group and ran into several others. we make an effort to take pictures. it slows us down a little, but i am glad to have all the pictures. this is one of my favorites.

co-worker chris picked me up along the road so we could do the color run (more on that tomorrow). we had a great time. after the run, we went to the farmer's market. i haven't made it once this summer so i was really happy to go.

i came home and cleaned and cleaned for hours. i love a clean house! i made sure to get in a little pool time. i had the pool key in my purse and drove all the way out to the pool (about 20 miunutes) and realized i forgot the key. luckily i have another friend in the neighborhood who let me use her pool. i relaxed at the pool for a while before rushing home to get ready to meet kristie for dinner.

i spent sunday preparing for church, catching up on laundry, church, cooking for september's what would you do with apples post, and painting my nails. i'm having serious anxiety about summer ending and not being able to use my summer nail colors anymore. clearly a major #firstworldproblem.

how was your weekend? any exciting happs?
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Friday, August 21, 2015

10 tips to improve your running

i don't run many 5Ks these days, but I am doing The Color Run tomorrow. It's perfect timing for a post about running. When Stephanie of Wife Mommy Me and I brainstormed a topic to collaborate together on it didn't take long for us to pick our love of running to share with our readers. While we both consider ourselves runners, we aren't your typical racers. Simply because neither one of us put much importance on time. Both Stephanie and I love the feeling of completing a run or race. Knowing that we've just pushed ourselves to run 3, 10 or 26 miles is what gets us up and running. While time is something to consider, we both love the sport more for what it does for us, not for the time on our watches. We've put together 10 running tips for those starting out or for those who want to take their love of hitting the pavement to the next level.


Aubrey's Advice

Set a Goal :: Do you want to run a 5K, half marathon, lose 10 pounds, stay in shape, etc?
Buy Proper Clothing :: Avoid any and everything cotton. It traps the sweat.
Pay Attention to Nutrition :: Eat a good meal the night before and the morning of. If you're running longer than a few miles, make sure to plan enough water and fuel.
Celebrate Your Accomplishments :: Use an app, watch to track pace and distance. 
Have FUN!:: Talk with friends, enjoy being outside, rock out to your music.

Stephanie's Suggestions

Don't Compare Yourself :: Two of my closest friends are marathon runners, one of which is running the Boston Marathon in the Spring. While their accomplishments are amazing and something to be proud of, they worked hard for them. As have I on my runs. You are the only competition you need.
Invest in the Right Shoes :: If your feet hurt, your runs are doomed. If you plan to make running something you love, something that you are passionate about, buy the proper shoes. Spending a bit more will be the best thing you ever do for your runs.
Do More than Run :: I notice that my runs are quicker, my body more capable when I've been lighting weights, swimming or taking cardio. Don't just run. Find something else you like and add it to your workout routine.
Enjoy a Running Rest Day :: You are no good to yourself when you push your body and mind past your physical limitations. My rule of thumb is to run every other day. If I run too many days in a row, I notice that I start to slack a bit and I would rather not run at all then half-ass it.
Believe in Yourself :: I never in a million years thought I would be someone that loved to run but I am. I love how I feel after a run. I love knowing that this body just ran 3 miles. It's a high that's hard to explain but totally worth all the work put into it.

Whether you are an experienced runner or someone that has recently picked up the love of pounding the payment we hope you picked up a tip or two from our list. For those of you who are running nuts like us, what piece of advice did we overlook? We would love to hear from you!

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

5 little confessions

**i received product from slumber cloud in exchange for writing this post. all opinions are my own.

a couple of years ago i had a regular series-5 little confessions. i miss it, and every now and then i feel the need to bring it back. 

we've all seen the posts going around blogland and social media about being honest and keeping things real. bloggers often get accused of posting only the parts of our lives we want to show off. we know we all have those less than bloggable moments in life. as readers, we all love reading those posts, but as writers we sometimes avoid spilling the dirt. in the spirit of keeping things real, i bring you 5 little confessions. did you go 5 days without washing your hair? did your clean laundry sit on your floor until it was time to wash again? did you spend all weekend keeping up with the kardashians? did you eat cake for breakfast? dig up a few of your own secrets and share them below.

1. we all know i hate washing my hair. i usually wash my hair every 4-5 days, but things have gotten majorly out of control the past couple of weeks. i'm moved to a once a week schedule. it's bad.

2. along those lines, 2 weeks ago i washed my hair late saturday night and went straight to bed (without brushing my hair). as if that's not bad enough, i didn't brush it all week until i washed it again the next saturday. i probably should be worried about suddenly having dreads.

3. for years and years i set my alarm for 5:00am. i had no problem getting right out of bed and hitting the gym. the past year or two have been such a struggle. i can barely get my butt out of bed at 6:30. i have no idea how i was so dedicated to the gym, but i need to figure it out ASAP.

4. I'M SO NOT DOING IT ALL. does this really need any explanation? i was talking to kaylynn at the bella ella event last week, and she said this phrase. nothing could be more true of my life.

5. i love summer so much. i don't want it to end, but my house (especially the upstairs where the bedrooms are) is so hot. we keep the air set to 74, but i still can barely sleep it's so hot. as much as i want summer to stay forever, i'm confessing that i kind of want it to cool off a little for the sake of my sleep.
in the meantime, i discovered the perfect solution. i bought a cheap mattress pad years ago and have been using it ever since. i recently discovered the nacreous mattress pad from slumber cloud. who knew a nice mattress pad could make such a huge difference?!? not only is it soft and fluffy, it is heat managing. wow! what a difference. i put it on my bed and slept without being way too warm. it was amazing! slumber cloud has other great products, but i highly suggest this one.

they're running a contest through the end of the month. if you don't win and still want to try it out, use code AZFREND through 9/15 for 15% off your order.

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**i received a mattress pad in exchange for this post. all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

wear it bella ella boutique

confession to all the locals..i've never shopped bella ella (insert monkey face emoji). people talk about it all the time, and i have good intentions to go look around. it never happens..until last week.

the orem location moved inside the mall and hosted a group of bloggers for a special re-grand opening event. some of my fave bloggers were there. we shopped. we chatted. and we had a great night. 
so happy to see kyla

shop clothes, accessories, etc

sarah came about 10 minutes after i asked "where's sarah?"
jacque rocking the photo booth
with all my faves

photo credit

no matter if you're local or not, now's the time to shop. shop in stores or online and save 15% with aubreyzaruba15

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

blogging the paradise 2.3

i got some snaps on sunday night about the craziness that went down this week. can't even wait to see what happens.
who's watching-celsey and shawn, amanda, alicia and adam, lacey, alexis, megan

i am not loving my post format so we're trying something new this week-quickest recap of what's happening followed by commentary

we all forgot the rose ceremony never finished last week. clare freaks and walks out.
i hate these people, i hope they all get stuck on this island somehow--megan
why does it matter who you she gives a rose to--adam
tanner is kind of a dweeb--alyssa. at least he's not an a hole--megan

it's morning and everyone is already at the bar. samantha arrives-with a date card of course
is joe wearing his sister's shorts?
this is way too perfectly timed--lacey
if we can see your extensions, it's ratchet--megan
there are just like no words--alicia
i can't even explain this--lacey

samantha and joe leave on their date and we all are positive they talked before the show. they're horribly awkward and gross on their date. we all hate joe even worse this week. who knew that was even possible?!? they come back from their date.
he said 100 times he's waiting for samantha--alicia
i still don't understand why they don't just contact these people--cel
why are we seeing crotch shots?-megan, lacey, and me all in unison
they're just replaying the same footage to make it look awkward--megan
the sad part about this is these girls never learn a lesson because they've been on this show before--alicia
can you imagine the amount of chlorine they have to put in bachelor hot tubs--cel

everyone is hanging out. carly gets the date card, and it seems like kirk is having second thoughts. ashley s has a chat with the bartender. dan also seems to be having second thoughts.
you're going on paradise. buy some swim suits--cel
playboy didn't pay her enough--alicia
why are they showing this? because they're trying to fill 3 hours--lacey
that honest company is a b--amanda about joshua's sunburn
what if she gets down with jorge--alyssa
jorge gets a date card--alyssa
no one's loyal--amanda
it's the guys. they're all sluts--megan
i kind of feel like i look like carly--alyssa. you should be her for halloween--megan

megan arrives but not to paradise. she's lost-with cameras following her. she does a little shopping and comes to the beach. 
i feel dumber--cel
she's not pretty and she's not very bright either--amanda
they have a can of pam and spray him down--megan
the grass is the same green. you're trading dumb for dumb--cel

carly and kirk are on a date. we learn she missed her brother's ireland.we're dying.
why didn't someone help her with her hair--cel
why is he on bachelor in paradise--alyssa
dude, you're not going to last long without her--alicia
she still hasn't faced the fact that they're semi breaking up--lacey
how is this all happening in one week?--amanda it's because the boys have the roses this week--alyssa
carly calls her brother and pretty much saves her butt
kirk is pretty sweet. is it for real? or does he feel like he has to do that after that phone call? it seems like he really is for real.
have some class woman--megan

ashley s and dan talk about their relationship. amber comes and things get worse
here comes another breakup--lacey
after 3 weeks these girls are already comfortable. they're hair in buns, jeans, glasses--alyssa
i hate how people incorrectly use the word literally--cel
if she says literally one more time..--alyssa
she should not be drinking--cel

samantha and joe fall in the hot tub and we're disgusted. juelia is heartbroken and feels used-as she should. juelia calls her daughter. everyone realizes joe is a skeez and talks to him about it. joe and juelia talk (with jade and dan present). it's awful. samantha walks in and juelia wants to talk.
i feel violated--alicia
they need to clean that hot tub--lacey
i hope joe gets pushed out to sea on a canoe by himself and is lost forever--megan
so basically all methods possible--alicia about joe talking to sam on social media, and texts, and phone
maybe she was tickling his foot...i'd rather not go to bed visualizing that--megan
he's going to be like the new nick. everyone's going to hate him--cel
joe, i want him to get eaten by a shark--megan
this is hilarious because they're all pretending they're there for any other reason than to get famous--shawn
does he not realize this is being filmed
i just want sam to break joe's heart--alyssa
he had to screw over another girl to get to you. are you ok with that--megan
he feels like they are friends because they're from the same season but they're not actually friends because he's a d bag--cel
just go home and date. why do you have to be on the show to date?--lacey. because they're not on the show to date duh--shawn
what big liars. they're meant for each other--alicia

amber arrives-with a date card of course and also of course asks dan. dan talks to ashley s and this is probably the crazy he's talking about.
for the love, put on a bra--cel
they're really trying to amp this up, anytime they kiss cue the fireworks--megan
they've gotten pretty cheap--lacey
why are they wasting so much time showing us their stupid animals--lacey

TO BE CONTINUED..we are not a fan at all, and the previews make it look like things get pretty crazy the rest of the season. i'm sure the previews are not totally accurate, but we can't wait.

TEAR TALLY-9 (less crying and more attacking this week)

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