before we even sit down to watch I am already getting texts about the episode.
who's watching-We're at Celsey's tonight. So far only the girls are watching, but I am hoping the guys (and their commentary) join at some point. Megan and Rem are out of town so they're missing tonight.
date #1-Kendall and Arie have a date in the sand. We all agree we would kind of die at that date, but Kendall is totally fine/happy about it. The eat a bunch of sand, have a sandy makeout sesh, and leave to get ready for the night. Kendall says she is falling in love with Arie, they "stay up all night talking" even though her bra is on the floor, and wake up and eat eggs. We see more of the morning than we usually do.
date #2-Lauren and Arie get on a plane (aka crop duster). Lauren is in her head, and the date is awkward per usual. Arie spends most of the date kind of sad that Lauren might leave because she can't do this anymore. I don't actually think she will leave, but he is like a sad puppy about it. Amanda points out that their conversations the last 3 dates have been the same which is true until he says I love you. We all kind of died a little. He gives her the fantasy suite card and can't wait to get out of there. There's a lot of love talk. If he doesn't pick her, some girl is going to be mad.
date #3-Becca and Arie spend the day on a catamaran. They do the cheesy poses, kiss lots, and have some serious conversation about the future. Becca wants to tell Arie she loves him but decides to wait until the night. They have more serious chat. She says I love you. He says it back. They're in love and spend the night in the most glamorous tent we've ever seen. Whoever Arie picks, he is going to be in the biggest trouble.
Becca's ex Ross shows up. Becca is the love of his life, and this is his proposal to give. We all wonder why he waited a whole year to do something about this. This conversation with Arie and Ross is so weird. Arie respectfully suggests he talk to her and then move on if she chooses Arie. He doesn't reciprocate that respect. Becca isn't happy to see him. She lets him say what he wants but isn't having any of it. He is shocked. Becca goes to Arie. Things are a little weird although she was very clear that she didn't want anything to do with any of it.
Rose Ceremony-Arie talks to Chris Harrison about all the girls. He comes out and says he is confident in his love and that this will end in a proposal. He takes Kendall out to talk and tells her he doesn't see them catching up. She leaves and the other 2 get roses.
Word Tally
tear tally-3
Word Tally
tear tally-3
We haven't watched women tell all yet. What did we miss?