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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

Things I love about Halloween...
dressing up as a group
pumpkin anything (except pie)

Things I don't love as much...
spending lots of money to make a costume
going to big parties i don't really want to go to

Halloween 2011
dressed up as a group twice (work and chaperone stake youth dance)
had a pumpkin shake (after the month of no sugar was over of course)
spent a total of $1.27 on costumes
went to a total of 0 parties (hit the married friend's ward trunk or treat instead)

work costume (box of squeeze it drinks)

chaperon the stake dance (flight attendants)

complete success


  1. Haha! I love it! When I was roommates with Kate we dressed up as flight attendants, everyone loved it.


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