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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Halloween 2019-I’m a Barbie Girl

We take things pretty seriously when it comes to the Halloween costume contest. We don’t usually win, but we always think we should:). We decided on a Barbie theme this year. We did win the all staff competition so we were pretty happy about that. Mostly we had a lot of fun dressing up and doing it all together. 

Group of Barbies 

Beauty Queen Barbie 

Baker and Bearded Barbie 

Workout, Pilot, BDI(inside joke), Bride, Ken, Vintage Barbies 

Soccer, Sparkle and Shine, Rockstar, Cowgirl, Construction and Nurse Barbies 

I love my co-workers so much. Halloween is always one of our most favorite times every year. 

Cops and Robbers and the cutest money bag

Star Wars 

Sandy made soup and brought pumpkin bread bowls for dinner. It was a very chill night with friends that are more like family. 


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