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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blog Worthy

I always kind of laugh when people take pictures just so they can post them on their blogs. I'm not saying I haven't done it (see recent uh-oh post). It just makes me laugh a little. I was already laughing a little when I took these pictures, but I had to do it. This was definitely blog worthy. We live in an old house which naturally equals problems/repairs. We have had some problems with a water leak in the furnace room. The owners are great and have had the repairman here several times to fix the problem. We also discovered we were using 5x as much water as the house was last year due to a huge leak. No wonder our water bill has been $100. We thought everything was figured and taken care of. For some reason I went into the furnace room to check the leak. There wasn't just a a little leak. There was a flood. There was so much water we had to sweep it out. It was pretty gross dirty water. We used almost every towel we have in the house which is a lot of towels with 6 girls, and there was still so much water. The owners came over to check things out and got things taken care of the next day. We were just lucky nothing got ruined and the flood didn't spread into any other rooms.


  1. Oh man that is no good. Good thing you don't own the place...that's the one advantage of renting I guess! :)

  2. My parents house does that ALL the time. You should buy some ShamWOW's. They really are amazing!

  3. Jerry loves the ShamWOWs! Maybe he'll let us barrow one?

  4. You guys look like your house belongs in Fargo! Seriously!

  5. I just bought Shamwows! You can get them at Costco. Come over anytime and you can try them out :)


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