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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Light it up BLUE

Autism has touched my life in so many ways personally and professionally. April is Autism Awareness Month. The Light It Up Blue campaign is part of spreading awareness. Prominent places like the Empire State Building were lit up blue over the weekend and people are encouraged to wear blue and other things to participate.

i got this amazing shot of the empire state building all lit up blue from a random blog i read. you can check it out here and here and read the funny story of this photo

My work is lighting it up blue with balloons, blueberry muffins, and a few other things. We all wore blue yesterday. One day isn't enough for me. In honor and celebration of Autism Awareness month I'm wearing blue to work every workday this month. I don't have tons of blue so this could get interesting.

It's spelled wrong!!!! A mistake has been made.
The word doctors and neurologist use to diagnose our children is autism.
But it should be AWEtism!!! Just think...
AWE at my child's progress. AWE at each accomplishment.
AWE that we've been blessed to be part of a miracle.
AWE to see God's hand at work in my child's life.
AWE to meet such wonderful people.
AWE for each little step in the right direction.
AWE for the love I never knew I had.

It's not autism...It's AWEtism!!
--Donna Copper

don't you just love that?!?


  1. That is REALLY cool Aubrey!!!

  2. I bought a blue light bulb at Home Depot to use on April 1 but forgot to. At least the proceeds of the bulb still went to a good cause. I bet those parents love seeing KOTM supporting them.


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