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Monday, April 2, 2018

one little word-April

In 2018 I want to fill my life with things and people I LOVE and let things go that I do not love. I want to show more LOVE to others and accept more LOVE. I want my life to be full of LOVE.

I don’t know what happened at he beginning of March, but I never posted. I made goals, but I never talked about them here apparently. 


*attend temple 12 times✔

*send birthday and other cards monthly✔

*nightly gratitude journal✔ kind of.

*love my body by continuing health and fitness goals✔ 

*monthly savings/budget goal to be more accountable for my spending and save more✔. I started giving myself a fun money budget each time I get paid. I did great with my February budget but got a little off track in March. 


*write down 1 thing I love about myself each day-Candace and I checked in with each other daily and wrote it down. This was such a powerful exercise to come up with 28 things I love about myself. 

*deliberately show love to someone else each day-Showing love to others is much easier and equally powerful.  

*continue to read Loving What Is-read for 5 minutes nightly-I don’t think I did this once. I need to get back to it. 


*100 push-ups/100 squats daily-I did really well Monday-Friday. I sometimes remembered on Saturday and always took Sunday as a rest day. 

*Report 1 gratitude or happiness daily-Candace and I checked in with each other again on this and it kept the month very positive. 

*For lent I gave up saying negative things about myself. It has been so good to be a little kinder and compassionate with myself. 


*record spending for the month

*do something for myself daily 

We are more than 3 months into the new year. Do you set goals? How are they going?

1 comment:

  1. The post is amazing admin. i have to say your writing skills are very nice and also inspirational. I will surely share this post. cheers !!
    from: Muslim naat


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