Who’s watching: Shawn and Celsey, Amanda, Megan-The kids were OUT OF CONTROL tonight, and we are all happy for a little peace and bachelor.
We start out with a recap of last week followed by a return to the cocktail party. Everyone is still mad at and about Alayah. Peter comes back and grabs her for a chat. Even though she has a rose, he sent her home. After sending Alayah home, he finally seems to realize that he needs to spend some time getting to know the girls. He talks to several, and I have hope for the season.
Rose ceremony
Victoria F and Kelsey have roses from their one on one
Alayah had a rose and got sent home
Madison, Sydney, Natasha, Lexi, Hannah Ann, Shiann, Mykenna, Victoria P, Kelley, Tammy
They are finally getting out of the house, and hopefully that means we finally have less drama and more to actually see of the girls. Peter comes and tells the girls he got a major cut from tripping and cutting his head (after telling them he was attached by a puma)
Date #1-We finally have a date. Sydney. I was a little distracted during their date. Peter really likes her and tells her she is the best kisser. I am pretty bored with this date. They talk a little and then go to the hot tub.
Date #2-group date Sheinn, Kelsey, Victoria F, Madison, Natasha, Victoria P, Lexi, Hannah Ann, MyKenna-Let’s capture our love today
Today’s date is surprise..a photo shoot. The person who wins gets a photo shoot with Peter on the cover of Cosmo. Victoria F takes the first initiative and kisses him during her photos. Hannah Ann follows and does the same. Victoria F wins and gets more photos and more kissing with Peter.
Peter likes all the girls and tells them all he really likes them. So far the date is going pretty well. Everyone is having a decent time until Tammy tells Peter that Kelsey is emotionally unstable and drinks too much. The drama continues. Hannah Ann gets the group date rose.
Date #3-Kelley
Did she ever get a date card? Somehow we missed it. They have the date. I have really been looking forward to seeing a date with Peter and Kelley. This date wasn’t exactly what I have been waiting for. Peter questions her desire to be there and doesn’t know where this can go. She assures him things are changing and he gives her the rose. My thoughts on Kelley are this..They had the strongest connection in the beginnings so Peter didn’t give her a lot of attention. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the drama so she didn’t give him a lot of attention either. All of a sudden we are at week 5, and nothing more has developed with them. I’m a little sad, and I really hope things get better.
Kelsey is losing it again. She sneaks over to see Peter and he rewards her with a rose. She comes back to tell the girls and not surprising they aren’t thrilled.
Rose Ceremony
Sydney, Hannah Ann, Kelley, and Kelsey already have roses
The cocktail is cancelled and Peter comes out to give the roses. Tammy and then MyKenna need to talk to Peter first. There is SO MUCH DRAMA this season, and Peter is here for it.
Victoria F, Madison, Natasha, Victoria P, MyKenna, Tammy get the roses.

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