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Monday, February 10, 2020

blogging the bach 24.7

Who’s watching: Celsey, Amanda, Krista, Megan, Parker and Shawn were here briefly but didn’t say a dang thing.

They leave Chili and go to Peru. Peter comes to the hotel and tells the girls he is really serious about all of this and wants them to be serious. If they’re not ready for this, he is not interested in that. 

Date #1-Madison
Peter obviously really likes Madison a lot. They explore the town and go on a boat and it’s a classic bachelor date. She gets the rose and Peter is going home to meet her family.

Date #2-Natasha
How is she still here after not getting any time with Peter this whole season. She finally gets a one-on-one. She thinks things are going really well and wants this to continue. Peter does not agree and sends her home.

Date #3-Kelsey
Crazy Kelsey stayed away on this date. She was relatively calm, tells Peter about her family, cries a little, and gets the rose. Peter is headed to Iowa.

Date #4-3 on 1-Kelley, Hannah Ann, Victoria 
Kelley talks a big talk. We hear more from her than we have heard the entire season. She has stayed out of the drama all season until now. She turns straight mean girl, and I’m sad about it. Victoria calls him out by saying he is in a mood every time they talk. He gets defensive, she cries, he pulls her aside and gives her the rose. Hannah Ann gets the other rose, and Kelley was completely surprised. I feel bad for her at the women tell all. Tonight was really embarrassing for her.

This episode was rough. It took me the whole time to actually write this post. This is the cringiest of all cringy episodes. I’m scared for what the rest of the season is like.

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