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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Changed for the Better

I love the musical Wicked! I love the music, and I frequently have the songs running through my head. Yesterday I was reminded that my life really has been changed for the better time and time again. I had the opportunity to attend a funeral for a little boy I have been working with. His sweet spirit was trapped in his sick little body. From the day he was born, he fought for every breath and spent his life hooked up to machines. His family completely put their life on hold over the past year to dedicate every moment to him. They continually exercised their faith in hoping and praying for a miracle. That miracle was realized yesterday as friends and family gathered to celebrate the life of this little boy and the lessons he taught during his short life here on earth. Here are a few of the things mentioned by his mother and a family friend during the funeral as well as a few things I learned by having the blessing of knowing and working with this sweet little boy and his amazing family.

*life is short. take advantage of everyday.
*God will always answer our prayers in our way or a better way.
*miracles still happen. we need to look for them.
*families are forever.
*no matter how bad things seem, it's always worse somewhere else.
*we all have a mission here on earth.
*don't put those things which matter most at the mercy of things which matter least.

A Few Thoughts from the Funeral
*even though he couldn't communicate, this little boy never complained about the challenges he faced
*the big sister loved her little brother and played with him like any big sister would even though he couldn't play back and machines got in the way
*the parents gave up everything this past year to completely devote their lives to their son. there is no better example of love and charity than this family
*everyone involved in the life of this child realized the miracle they had been praying for was the miracle of his life and the legacy he leaves behind
*there was a sign outside the chapel that said "because someone we love is in heaven we have heaven in our home". i love that

I feel extremely blessed for having the oppurtunity to work with this little boy and to know his family. I was reminded once again of those things which are most important in life. My life really has been changed for the better because I know them. I will forever be grateful for these life lessons that keep my life in perspective.


  1. Ok, so I'm totally tearing up! How hard to lose one of the kids you worked with. Sounds like the funeral was beautiful! Isn't the gospel an amazing thing, that at such a difficult time there is still hope and peace?!?!

  2. I love that quote from the sign. Wow! What agreat view of things.


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