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Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Best and Worst of 2011

I had great intentions to get this post done right as the year ended, but then...i got the stomach flu, returned to the land of the working after a month of surgical/holiday leave, caught a little cold, and basically got my booty kicked by life. I'm slowly returning to the land of the living.

2011 was a lot of things. It was emotional, disappointing, depressing, exciting, fun, inspiring, and memorable all at the same time. A week into the new year, here is my look back at 2011.

biggest accomplishment-finishing the Utah Valley marathon (even though I started struggling in the first mile)

biggest regret/dumbest thing I've ever done-running Wasatch Back majorly injured

biggest disappointment-not being able to complete my goal of the Grand Slam or run at all the rest of the year

favorite memories-experiencing Disneyland with Karlee and the rest of my family

 highlight of the summer-lots of friends coming to town

most miraculous-getting on an already full for the year surgery schedule

best family pictures...ever (sad we're missing the BILs)

cutest/favorite kids-I seriously can't get enough of these 2

most fried food- local Missouri fair

best sewing project-matchy matchy skirts

best bridal shower-on the boat. bachelorette weekend for co-worker Mikael was equally fun

longest trip-tour de east coast (dc, philly, nyc)

biggest purchase-new car

a dream come true-guest crafting at friend Tonya's mommy craft day

favorite quote/motto of the year
"we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us"

2011 was definitely not the year I had planned, but when are things ever the way we plan?!? Although I'm not even a little bit sad to see it go, 2011 was a year of learning and growth for me. It wasn't my favorite year, but even with disappointments and unmet expectations, I am very blessed.

I'm linking up with one of my favorite random blogs I read

Next up...looking ahead to 2012. How was your year? Did you do a 2011 recap?


  1. Good work! I like your recap, very cute. Sorry your hip made for some bummer parts of the year :( here's to a fun 2012!

  2. Wow! You are awesome, look at everything you DID this year!

    And I LOVE that quote. Just what I needed to focus on this year! Thank you!


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