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Sunday, October 28, 2012

house keeping

ok peeps. sorry for the quick pictureless post. i've spent literally all day working on my blog design (what a pain). links are disappearing within the week. if you want them, save them before they are gone. come back in a few days to see my new and improved blog.

on another note, i've been thinking about combining this and my other blog. what do you think? i have been putting a lot of effort into this one lately so i'm wondering if i should combine for now or just put more efforts into the other blog. thoughts???

i'll be back soon with a real post.


  1. Replies
    1. hopefully non crafty people won't get sick of all the crafty posts.

  2. I say combine! Easier for us to read both ;)

    1. i originally separated because i was doing so many crafty posts, but maybe that's not a big deal. thanks for the input.

  3. Combine. Because I always forget about your other one.

    1. that seems to be the small consensus so that's probably what i'll do...hopefully soon.


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