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Monday, November 7, 2016

one little word: november goals

i am starting to see post about x number of weekends until christmas or x days until christmas. i honestly still think it's summer so i have a hard time believing we are so close to the end of the year. it's hard to believe after this month there is only one more month of focusing on my goal to be still. that goal has definitely evolved over the year as my overall goals have changed too.
yearly goals to be still
1. morning and night quiet time-i continue to do ok with this goal. i use my drive to the gym in the morning to try to set the tone for the day. i try to keep to positive thoughts and preparation for the day. i still need to work on more quiet time at night.
2. attend the temple monthly-i went to the draper temple 
3. color once a week-not a goal anymore
4. prayer book-keep list of people i need to remember to pray for-i have the list. i want to pay more attention to it and add to it when appropriate.

October goals
1. continue 5 minutes of nightly stretching/journaling-i didn't do very well with this. i did stretch some nights but not very many
2. finish reading you are a badass-check. i love this book so much! everyone should read it. i have it by my bed so i can review some of the things in the book.
3. listen to/read 5 general conference talks each week-due to travel I missed all of general conference and need to catch up-i have listened to a lot of talks although it hasn't been the daily listening like i planned.

November goals
1. finish listening to general conference
2. write 3 things i am thankful for each day
3. continue csatt fitness goals (the 30 day challenges do not line up with the calendar months. i always have monthly goals with that.)

how are your goals? did you pick one little word for the year? link up your posts below.

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  1. I need to finish conference too. I'm only a few talks in!

  2. I would like to try stretching at night as well. New habits are hard. I love the idea of a gratitude journal this month!


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