it was a quick weekend, but we did so much in the short time we were there. part 1 started getting a little too long.
we met for dinner and games at a german pub on saturday night. we had the whole upstairs for our group, and it was nice to have the space.
with robbie, michelle, mandi, and jen
everyone who started in january 2016. papa z may have been sleeping on a bench at this pointi can't remember how or when i connected with jen in the group, but she is another big reason i wanted to go to seattle. she is one of the most consistent people in the group. she is also amazingly supportive and so much fun. i was so happy to finally meet her and get to spend the weekend with her.
mandi and i spent a little time at the seattle temple on sunday morning. it was so peaceful and a great way to spend the morning.
with papa z, mandi, and lisa
most people left sometime on sunday, but mandi and i stayed until monday. i got to spend a little time catching up with tonya.
mandi and i met jen at her gym for a workout-the very first gym plan workout. it was fun working out with jen, and i knew i was going to love the new gym plans.
breakfast with the few remaining-lisa, jen, papa z, debra, mandi
jen took us to snoqualmie falls
we did a makeup tutorial with jen
we spent a little more time with debra before it was time to head home.
the seattle trip was so much fun. i loved meeting so many people i talk with online every day.

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