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Monday, April 3, 2017

one little word-april

*nightly gratitude journal-mostly ✔
*do something that scares me/pushes me out of my comfort zone ✔
*attend temple 12 times-i planned to go one of the last days of the month, and insert excuse here. i will make it up another time. different month same story
*monthly journal-
*csatt goals-

*bed by 11pm or earlier-preferably earlier-i did really well most of the month
*finish cleaning out closets-almost done
*finish blog catch up-still working on it
*take 20 pure barre classes-

*start handlettering course and do daily prompts
*finish closet clean out
*finish blog catch up
*3-4 pure barre classes per week

did you choose a work for the year? how's it going? link up your posts below.

 photo aubrey-sig_zps0ck6qpqn.png

1 comment:

  1. I love how simple your goals are. I need to simplify my list. Haha, I tend to get very detailed with my goals.

    My sister got me a hand-lettering book for Christmas that teaches you the basics and I started it this weekend and it's been fun!


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