2018 is right around the corner. 2017 has been a good year, but in a lot of ways I feel like it has flown by without me even noticing. I’ll do a full recap on my word EMBRACE at the end of the year. As we approach the end of the year, it is something I have been thinking about a lot.

my overall goal and theme for the year is EMBRACE even though my monthly goals don't always match that theme.
*nightly gratitude journal-better-i'm still using my commit 30 planner. i am either really good or really not good. i had good intentions especially with the month of Thanksgiving, but I did not do so well
*do something that scares me/pushes me out of my comfort zone-✓
*attend temple 12 times-i visited the Meridian, ID temple open house. i need to go one more time this month.
*monthly journal-just caught up
*csatt/fitness goals-i signed up for csatt again. i really love the accountability of the group, and it's nice to have a set plan each day. so far i'm really liking it and doing well with my goals.
I am keeping things pretty simple this month.
*NO SUGAR NOVEMBER-no treats/avoid added sugar. Thanksgiving is an exception. I did really well before Thanksgiving and things haven't been great since.
*50 burpees daily (except Sunday)-I ended up deciding to do Monday-Friday with running on Saturdays. I did the burpees everyday except one when I totally forgot.
*finish all Christmas(cards, gifts, mail, etc. by Dec 15)
*read daily Christmas scriptures
*100 daily abs
*gluten free for 21 days to support a friend recently diagnosed with celiac
*follow #lighttheworld campaign
It's the very end of the year. Are you still working on goals? How are they going?

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