I've been getting lots of messages asking if I'm watching. I've heard it's a bizarre episode so I'm excited to see what happens.
conclusion of date with Luke
Hannah feels like she can't give him the rose. He never thought this would happen. He is not going to take that answer and goes back to see her. "He's very good at taking what she says and repeating it"--Amanda. Yep that is exactly what happens. Luke does not get a rose, but he does get to stay. All the guys are less than impressed and so are we.
cocktail party/rose ceremony
We get it. No one likes Luke. Why don't these dudes spend their time getting to know Hannah instead of trying to convince Hannah about Luke?! She obviously doesn't want to hear it. Garrett asks if he talked about the other guys and then went back out and confronted Luke. It was a mess. Hannah comes out and tells the guys she is very frustrated..twice. She is clearly very mad and sick of it all. The guys try to talk a little more, and it doesn't go well. They finally apologize to each other except for Luke who seems incapable of apologizing. This might not be very popular, but I don't really love the way things are going. I think it is great that she is standing up for herself, but I don't really love the way she is doing it. I would like to see a little bit more of a mature approach.
The rose ceremony starts, and it is very cold. It is all very business like.
Mike, Jed, Connor, Tyler, Dustin, Peter, Dylan, Garrett, Luke all get roses.
They go to Latvia, and Hannah isn't sure if this is going to work for her. The rest of the episode is a recap of what we have already seen. Do we not have enough material this season? We do not understand what is happening.

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