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Saturday, April 29, 2023

No exam life insurance

 Do you have life insurance? I feel like that is something you hear about when you are younger, and then all of a sudden you are old enough to get it for yourself. It is one of those things on the to do list that sometimes goes undone. It is one of the more important things we should be thinking about. If you are lucky, you might get life insurance through your employer or even your bank. I am lucky that my employer offers life insurance. Signing up for life insurance often includes a medical exam. There are some options that do not require a medical exam. Fabric by Gerber Life is one of those options.  Unfortunately loss has surrounded me the past several years. Some people have life insurance and some do not. It is not a fun thing to think about, but it is one of those things that can really make a big difference in the lives of those we leave behind. Do you have any advice on life insurance? 

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