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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

blogging the bach 21.who even knows

who's watching: celsey, amanda, megan, shawn (who usually has the best commentary)

the show starts and i literally have no clue where they are. i am also pretty lost on who is who. i am the most out of the loop than i have been any other season. apparently there are only 6 people left. does that mean this season is getting close to over?

we're all sitting around looking at our brackets. at this point it looks like shawn is going to be the winner this season. 

the girls are super excited to leave st. thomas and go to bimini. has anyone even heard of that place? i never have, but it is beautiful. 

nick has a one on one with vanessa. vanessa tells nick she is in love and he responds with the longest explanation about why he's not saying he loves her. we all know he can't really say it so what was his point with all of that?

the group date is awkward per usual. i'm a little afraid one of the girls is going to get eaten by a shark. kristina is apparently afraid of the same thing or something else. whatever it is, it works for her. she gets a little extra attention from nick. raven talks to nick. we're too busy chatting and miss it. corinne eats her feelings and then gets some time with nick. she feels 100 times better after talking to nick. raven gets the rose.

danielle gets the explore the town date. that's never a very good sign. as the date goes on, it definitely is not a good sign.
"he looks like he's in the middle of a science class"--megan
he sends her home, and no one is surprised.

corrine tries to turn on the sex charm and nick makes the smartest, most surprising decision of his whole bachelor time. he sends her back to be with the girls. 

rachel gets the other local date. it definitely seems like nick is going to her hometown.

nick comes to talk to kristina and there is a collective gasp. nick tells her she's going home, and she resists. there are tears, and it's definitely awkward.

once again the show ends without the rose ceremony. that's not our favorite. we discussed binge watching next season rather than watching each week. we just want to know what happens.

megan had some great one liners most of which had nothing to do with the show. we did a fair amount of laughing while watching-again not much to do with the show, this season has been more about our monday night crew than about the actual show.

are you watching this season? what are your thoughts?

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  1. I was glad Nick sent Corinne away when she tried to seduce him. And what he said was so true, they have great sexual chemistry but um.... that's about it. I feel like when they're together it's all about Corinne complaining about the other girls in the house picking on her or doing something to get some action. I watch this season in the background while I blog sometimes, but I'm ready for a new one... hopefully it's better...


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