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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Weekend happs

Summer is my favorite! I love the warm weather and the pool and the summer carnivals/festivals. I love everything about summer-even the heat.

This weekend was the perfect summer weekend! I have quite a bit of use it or lose it vacation time at work so I am trying to take a little time off here and there. I took half day off on Friday to spend some time at the pool with Tiffany. It was hot and sunny and perfect.
After the pool we went to dinner and Fort Herriman days. We were probably the oldest people there. It was fun to walk around and enjoy the summer night.
Saturday started with an early morning run down emigration canyon through downtown to liberty park. The canyon is still so green and absolutely beautiful. It was probably the hottest run we have had so far and good prep for running the rest of the summer.
After running I hurried to pure barre to take the Pure Barre gives back benefit class to benefit a local family that recently lost their mother and youngest son. Class was so hard and so good.

Brittany and I met Tiffany at the pool for a few more hours of sun. We were all pretty toasty and completely wiped out after a few fun hours.

Sunday was the usual church, meal prep, laundry, makeup brush cleaning, etc.

How was your weekend? Any exciting happs?

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