Time is flying. The end.

my overall goal and theme for the year is EMBRACE even though my monthly goals don't always match that theme.
*nightly gratitude journal-better-i'm still using my commit 30 planner, and that works well
*do something that scares me/pushes me out of my comfort zone-i've felt out of my comfort zone multiple times lately. none of it was necessarily on purpose.
*attend temple 12 times-i didn't make it in august, but i did go on september 2
*monthly journal-still need to catch up
*csatt/fitness goals-there wasn't a current csatt challenge in august. i went back to a csatt challenge from last summer. i did pretty well getting the workouts in. at the time i felt like i was doing pretty well with nutrition, but now looking back i could have done better.
*spending/shopping freeze-i obviously can't completely freeze spending, but i'm freezing all unnecessary spending. after a few days, it's good for me to pay better attention to how i spend my money.-i did ok not purchasing a few things that came up, but i did make a few exceptions. overall i still felt like i spent more money than i wanted to.
*SLEEP-11:00 bedtime or earlier. there is always an excuse to stay up late, but i want to make it a priority this month and hopefully continue-i did pretty well. i was in bed close to 11:00 most nights.
*meditate/de-stress-work has been getting to me lately. i have made a lot of progress with managing stress in most areas of my life, but i have a hard time using those strategies with work. i want to find an app to use for some simple meditation.-rather than finding a meditation app, i started using the breathe feature of my watch more frequently. i use it nightly right before going to bed.
*the kissmybrave girls started our own fitness challenge this month. we are all doing our own thing for workouts, but the main idea is supporting each other and being more accountable to each other to stick to our goals. after a few days, everyone is doing so well. and i'm so excited.-i did the workouts and overall did ok with nutrition, but i need to step it up even more.
*read gifts of imperfection or loving what is
*continue breathe on phone before bed
*open car savings-i paid off my car last month, and now i get to start paying myself
*re-focus on health/fitness goals
the year is flying by at rapid speed. before we know it we will be thinking about goals for net year. overall this year is going well, and i am excited to continue to embrace this season of my life.
*spending/shopping freeze-i obviously can't completely freeze spending, but i'm freezing all unnecessary spending. after a few days, it's good for me to pay better attention to how i spend my money.-i did ok not purchasing a few things that came up, but i did make a few exceptions. overall i still felt like i spent more money than i wanted to.
*SLEEP-11:00 bedtime or earlier. there is always an excuse to stay up late, but i want to make it a priority this month and hopefully continue-i did pretty well. i was in bed close to 11:00 most nights.
*meditate/de-stress-work has been getting to me lately. i have made a lot of progress with managing stress in most areas of my life, but i have a hard time using those strategies with work. i want to find an app to use for some simple meditation.-rather than finding a meditation app, i started using the breathe feature of my watch more frequently. i use it nightly right before going to bed.
*the kissmybrave girls started our own fitness challenge this month. we are all doing our own thing for workouts, but the main idea is supporting each other and being more accountable to each other to stick to our goals. after a few days, everyone is doing so well. and i'm so excited.-i did the workouts and overall did ok with nutrition, but i need to step it up even more.
*read gifts of imperfection or loving what is
*continue breathe on phone before bed
*open car savings-i paid off my car last month, and now i get to start paying myself
*re-focus on health/fitness goals
the year is flying by at rapid speed. before we know it we will be thinking about goals for net year. overall this year is going well, and i am excited to continue to embrace this season of my life.

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