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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Addiction Recovery tips that work for all of us

This post is sponsored by The Mormon Channel. It specifically addresses tips for successful addiction recovery, but the tips are things we can all use to keep ourselves healthy and happy-something we all want.

Surviving Those First 90 Days: Addiction Recovery Tips
The first 90 days of addiction recovery are the hardest, but also the most important, to recovery and a better life. This three-month window is a time of physical, mental, and emotional changes. It’s also when most relapses happen.
Between 40-60% of recovering addicts who have been treated relapse within the first year, and according to the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study, those first 90 days are the most critical for preventing relapse. This study found that a person’s risk of relapsing was at its highest during their first three months of recovery.
Addiction recovery doesn’t just happen, and it’s not just when you first stop your addictive behavior. You recover as you make a new and better life for yourself. But in order to maneuver through this part of your life, you need a plan to help you cope and make it onto 91 and more days sober.
Tip 1: Make and stick to a structured daily schedule.
Create a structured to-do list. Structured doesn’t have to mean jam-packed busy, but it does mean planned. And honestly, scheduling out every hour of the day is probably in your best interest right now.
Here’s what a typical day could look like:
• 7 a.m — Wake up and shower

• 7:30 a.m. — Eat breakfast

• 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. —Work

• 12 to 1 p.m. — Eat lunch

• 1 to 5 p.m. —Work

• 5:30 p.m. — Exercise

• 6:30 p.m. —Eat dinner

• 7:30 p.m. — Go to AA meeting

• 8:30 p.m. — Check in with sponsor

• 9:30 p.m. — Read book

• 10 p.m. — Go to bed
When you know what’s next on your day’s schedule, you have no excuse to be idle. Idle time and an idle mind can lead you back to using again.
Tip 2: Avoid triggers.
Triggers include people, places, and things. It can be a certain smell, being alone, or feeling stressed. Whatever your triggers are, avoid them like the plague. If you’re unsure of what all your triggers are, keep a trigger log so you know exactly what your triggers are and what you need to do when you experience each one.
You likely can’t control or get rid of all your triggers, but learn and avoid the ones you can.
Tip 3: Learn to relax.
Relaxation is essential to addiction recovery. Most of us think we’re too busy to relax, but you’re never too busy. You can easily find a 15-minute window each day to unplug from the outside world and unwind from your day.
And there are numerous ways to relax, i.e. yoga, meditation, watching a TV show, going on a walk, etc. Find whatever helps you relax, and do it every day.
Tip 4: Get plenty of sleep, good nourishment, and exercise.
When you choose addiction, taking care of your physical health takes a back seat. As you begin your path to recovery, put self-care first.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep each night. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults ages 18-25 get eight to 10 hours of sleep a night, while those 26-64 need seven to nine hours and those 65 and older need seven to eight hours.
Eating a healthy diet is also important. Eat three meals a day, and have plenty of healthy snacks on hand. Stock your kitchen with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. And like planning your day out, try planning out your meals for the day or week ahead.
In addition to healthy eating and sleep habits, get active. Regular exercise is necessary to maintain good physical health. Plus, working out may be your way to relax.
Tip 5: Set achievable goals.
Addiction recovery is heavily focused on day-by-day progress. But that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t set future goals. Obvious goals for a recovering addict are hitting your 30, 60, and 90 days of sobriety. Think beyond those, though. Think about what you want to accomplish one and 10 years from now. Maybe you want to go on a tropical vacation in one year and be debt free in five years. Whatever they are, set those long-term goals, and then set short-term goals to help you reach them.
Tip 6: Take daily accountability.
Recovery isn’t easy. You’ll have minor slipups—and that’s OK. It’s even expected. Just make sure you take a personal inventory of each day, and if you’d made mistakes, take responsibility and work to resolve them.
As you follow these tips, you’ll make it through those first 90 days of sobriety and develop a strong foundation for long-term addiction recovery and a better life worth living.


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