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Friday, November 10, 2017

book review-The Nativity Pageant

It's hard to believe it is already time to talk about the holidays. It seems like the year was just starting, and now we are almost to the end. I want time to slow down. They holidays are some of my favorite times of the year, and I want time to stand still while we enjoy it.

I'm a sucker for tradition-especially holiday tradition. Growing up we always read the Christmas story as part of our Christmas Eve traditions, but we never really acted it out. I am not sure why. We just never did. When Chelsea's kids got old enough, she started the tradition of acting it out rather than just reading the nativity story. Her older kids are reading well enough to start reading part of the story. This year will be the perfect year for the new book, The Nativity Pageant. It uses the exact words from the scriptures with easy to locate props and costumes to make the story of the nativity come to life. It is short enough to fit very nicely into our Christmas Eve traditions. Karlee will love being in charge. She can gather the costumes, and assign the props. It will be perfect. The Nativity Pageant can be purchased on amazon for anyone interested in including this as part of your family traditions this year. What other holiday traditions do you have?

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*I received a copy of The Nativity Pageant for review. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always on the look out for some good book recommendations. However, my work schedule lately rarey gives me time to read. This book looks short enough for me to consider.


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