who's watching: Celsey and Krista (also doing nails and it's a legit situation), Alicia, and Amanda
I missed blogging last week because my keyboard was dead. I also am just not super into this season. There has been so much drama and so many things in the news. At this point I am just ready for the season to be over to get to paradise. There was more Luke drama and Luke/Garrett drama. The pot was stirred again and again, and Luke is still there.
It's hometowns week.
We start with Peter's hometown. He is so cute. They are cute together. His family was really nice. His dad was very emotional about it all. They drove around and flew in his plane. He is my favorite. I am torn between wanting her to choose him and wanting him to be the next bachelor.
Tyler is up next, and Hannah and Tyler are hot and heavy. They explore his cute coastal town. He hasn't seen his dad for a while. His dad got sick and things were pretty scary. He sees his dad and they have a nice moment. Tyler is falling in love and lust.
I can't exactly say I am excited to see Luke's hometown date. I am pretty churchy, but I don't think I would take a bachelor date to anything churchy. I am not even sure what exactly he is talking about. It's just kind of a lot. They go to his house and talk with his family about the struggles they/he has had this season. His family gives him a hard time about it. Hannah talks to his brother about how hard it's been. She says their emotional connection is strong, but we all think maybe she meant to say their physical connection. Luke tells Hannah he loves her and sees her as his wife. Hannah doesn't say anything back but tells us she is falling in love with him.
Jed's date is last. They go to the recording studio..surprise surprise. They write a song about their time together and record it. They meet his family. They are the least accepting of all the families. They say they don't know that Jed falling in love is a good thing. They aren't very nice.
I kind of forgot about the rose ceremony. Peter and Tyler get roses and then Hannah doesn't know what to do. She leaves the room and tells Chris H she can't make a decision. He gives her an extra rose and they all stay.

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