#1...I've been crafty blogging over on my other blog the past couple of years. Lately, I just can't seem to keep up. So, in an effort to simplify (whatever that means) just a tich, I'm combining for a while. I'll still blog my crafting, cooking, and all other things I NEED RIGHT NOW. I'll also still blog about life while DREAMING OF SOMEDAY. It will all just be right here starting right this second. Hopefully it will be easier to read and easier to write all in one spot.
#2...I've been talking and talking about it, but it really is happening. The blog makeover is in process courtesy of the lovely Kate over at a creative cookie. Who knows when, but sometime very soon the sidebar links will be gone...promise to make room for some sponsor swapping.
#3...I still have some catch up to do and then I'll be back on a more consistent basis...promise.
Looks like I have some promises to keep.
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