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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

snow canyon half

for some reason, i have gotten a little behind in my blogging the past couple of weeks. i'm attempting to catch up in the next few days.

i ran my first post op 1/2 marathon a couple of weeks ago. it was the snow canyon 1/2 marathon down in st george. the weather was to die for amazing. the course was gorgeous. it was a beautiful day. really i couldn't ask for much more (besides maybe a faster time and the right running shoes)

at the start line with alyson, heidi, allison, and teresa

at the finish. brynn ran the last little bit with her mom.

the race went pretty well. i felt good most of the time. i didn't do as well as i hoped which makes me think i better get my butt in gear before i run another full.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I'm so proud of you!! I'm happy to hear you're well enough to be back and running. I ran a half and did a bunch of relays the past 2 years... but THIS year I definitely fell out of the groove. I run here and there but I am not in good shape and definitely don't see any long-distance races in the near future. I feel so much better when I run! Thanks for the boost of inspiration. I'm running in a free 5K tomorrow. does that count? :)


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