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Monday, July 3, 2017

One little word-July

june is the month that really feels like summer. the weather is warm. the pool is open. the nights are perfect. june might be my favorite month of the year. although there are a lot of months i could say that about, i really loved june this year, and like every other month, i can't believe it's over.
via she's just smitten

my overall goal and theme for the year is EMBRACE even though my monthly goals don't always match that theme.

*nightly gratitude journal-better-i switched to using my commit 30 planner and it's working well
*do something that scares me/pushes me out of my comfort zone ✔
*attend temple 12 times-my temple experience for june was outside the temple. i need to make sure to make it in for ordinances this month
*monthly journal-caught up on a trip from last year. i still need to write about june
*csatt goals-✔

*no purchased soda with meals during the week unless it is a combo or the only one of the day-i did pretty well. i specifically remember 2 times not sticking to the rule, but overall i was happy with it
*handlettering 3-4x/week-started the month strong and fell back toward the end
*pure barre 10 in 15 challenge (10 classes in 15 days)-i almost made it. i went to a high fitness class with mandi one saturday instead of pure barre which meant i didn't get all 10 classes in. the high fitness thing was really fun, and it was great to spend time with mandi. it was totally worth not meeting that goal.
*blog catch up-i am so close. i am off work this week and i will be caught up by the time i go back to work.the end.

i really loved my june goals a lot. i am basically sticking with the same things
*continue June soda rules
*handlettering 2-3x/week
*eat prepped food
*blog catch up-see above-i need some sort of consequence if i don't do it. it is completely ridiculous.

the year is half over-sad face but also happy because it's been a good year. how are your goals going?

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