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Monday, March 18, 2013

weekend happs

if you recall, I like to abbreviate things...basically all things. weekend happs=weekend happenings. i might make this more of a regular thing.

 met up with some girlfriends and did a little shopping, chatting, hot tubbing, and trip planning

ran almost 14 miles for the first time in months...wanted to die

college work (HBLL...BYU library) lunch meetup. totally forgot to take a picture of anything except this bag that i MUST have...blogger fail

made easter candy. candy making is hard...harder than it looks

made a sticker chart...for real. it's way beyond time to get my booty back in gear

the weekend was pretty fab. sunday nights always make me sad, and this week was no exception. how was your weekend? what did you do?


  1. Looks like fun!!! I can't even remember what I did.... Hmmm. Oh yeah, bridal shower. I think I need some of that fish oil. I might be losing my mind. What's on the sticker chart? I changed something on my blogger but don't know if it was the right thing... For the email. Try it for me :)

  2. Nice--maybe I need a sticker chart for myself. I get all excited about a project in the beginning, but then after I've done some things, i forget about it! Especially cleaning the house. ugh.

    Those are some delightful easter candies you made! wow, 14 miles, way to go! I guess you've been doing marathon training & such?

    1. i totally suggest the sticker chart:)

      i have run several marathons. i am not currently training for anything, but i hope to be soon!


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