the first time i ever did a major fashion challenge i was out of town for half the month. people thought i was completely crazy for doing that while i was traveling, but it ended up being pretty simple. since i was doing 30x30, it made packing for my trip a whole lot easier. i actually really like fashion challenges, but in case you're not convinced i have brooklyn here today with her tips on surviving a fashion challenge.
I'm Brooklyn, and I'm a shopaholic.You can learn more about me HERE. I'm also a blogger, which means I've seen various fashion challenges spread quickly across social media. This includes the 30X30. I've participated before, but I recently decided to do another one, and you can read HERE why. It might not be for the reason you think!
I'm Brooklyn, and I'm a shopaholic.You can learn more about me HERE. I'm also a blogger, which means I've seen various fashion challenges spread quickly across social media. This includes the 30X30. I've participated before, but I recently decided to do another one, and you can read HERE why. It might not be for the reason you think!
Doing fashion challenges can be fun, but they can also be stressful. Guess what? They don't need to be! So I'm here today to give you some tips on how to survive a fashion challenge!
1. Look over your calendar for the month
Are you going to be going on vacation? Is it Christmastime and you're gonna need some sweaters? Do you have any special events like a wedding to attend? Look at what you have going on so you can plan ahead and not stress about it.
2. Pick a few of your "go-to" items.
The purpose of most fashion challenges is to learn to appreciate your closet. But if you pick all clothing items that you never wear, you're going to hate the month. Pick a few items that you wear over and over again so you can learn lots of new ways to wear them.
3. If you think you'll be tempted, put other clothing in storage.
Out of sight out of mind. Getting used to a small closet takes some time, so if you're going to be tempted by your huge closet, put the clothes that aren't a part of your closet this month out of sight.
4. Pick items that can mix and match.
I wanted to have a graphic tee because you can wear that with jeans or a skirt. Cardigans can be layered with lots of different tops. Solid colors work great but so do simple patterns, as long as you have some solid colors to go with them.
5. Have accountability.
Not comfortable sharing your outfits on Instagram every day? That's okay! Find a good friend and send the pictures to him/her everyday. Taking pictures is a really fun way to look back and see all the options you came up with.
6. Have fun!
Try new things! Don't usually mix colors? This is the time to try it. If anyone says that what you're wearing is weird (which they won't) you have an excuse! But you just might come up with some new outfit combos that you fall in love with! Try not to wear the same thing twice. You'll love the experience.
To see my item choices go HERE.
To see Days 1-6 go HERE.
To see Days 7-12 go HERE.
Fashion challenges can help you appreciate your own closet and encourage you to dress more creatively! Have you ever done a fashion challenge?
1. Look over your calendar for the month
Are you going to be going on vacation? Is it Christmastime and you're gonna need some sweaters? Do you have any special events like a wedding to attend? Look at what you have going on so you can plan ahead and not stress about it.
2. Pick a few of your "go-to" items.
The purpose of most fashion challenges is to learn to appreciate your closet. But if you pick all clothing items that you never wear, you're going to hate the month. Pick a few items that you wear over and over again so you can learn lots of new ways to wear them.
3. If you think you'll be tempted, put other clothing in storage.
Out of sight out of mind. Getting used to a small closet takes some time, so if you're going to be tempted by your huge closet, put the clothes that aren't a part of your closet this month out of sight.
4. Pick items that can mix and match.
I wanted to have a graphic tee because you can wear that with jeans or a skirt. Cardigans can be layered with lots of different tops. Solid colors work great but so do simple patterns, as long as you have some solid colors to go with them.
5. Have accountability.
Not comfortable sharing your outfits on Instagram every day? That's okay! Find a good friend and send the pictures to him/her everyday. Taking pictures is a really fun way to look back and see all the options you came up with.
6. Have fun!
Try new things! Don't usually mix colors? This is the time to try it. If anyone says that what you're wearing is weird (which they won't) you have an excuse! But you just might come up with some new outfit combos that you fall in love with! Try not to wear the same thing twice. You'll love the experience.
To see my item choices go HERE.
To see Days 1-6 go HERE.
To see Days 7-12 go HERE.
Fashion challenges can help you appreciate your own closet and encourage you to dress more creatively! Have you ever done a fashion challenge?

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