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Monday, November 6, 2017

one little word-November

we're getting so close to the end of the year. it's kind of time to start thinking about a word for 2018.

via she's just smitten

my overall goal and theme for the year is EMBRACE even though my monthly goals don't always match that theme.

*nightly gratitude journal-better-i'm still using my commit 30 planner. i am either really good or really not good. i want to be really good especially in this month of gratitude.
*do something that scares me/pushes me out of my comfort zone-✓
*attend temple 12 times-i need to go a couple of more times this year to meet this goal
*monthly journal-pretty well caught up
*csatt/fitness goals-i did not participate in the csatt challenge but instead started the fall challenge from last year. i did about 80 percent of it.

*Pure Barre 20 in 31 challenge (20 classes in 31 days)-with weekend obligations and travel i started the challenge knowing i likely would not be able to get 20 classes. i did 17, and i was happy with that.
*SLEEP-11:00 or earlier bedtime-very hit and miss
*schedule one free night each week-I honestly kind of forgot about this goal. I had some very busy weeks.

I have gotten in the habit of overscheduling myself. I want to focus on slowing down a little this month and getting a grip on life again.-I didn't focus on this as well as I wanted to.

I am keeping things pretty simple this month.
*NO SUGAR NOVEMBER-no treats/avoid added sugar. Thanksgiving is an exception
*50 burpees daily (except Sunday)

How are your goals going? 

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