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Sunday, September 1, 2013

churchy things {Beautiful Heartbreak}

it's the first sunday of the month so that means things get a little more churchy around here. my thoughts are all over the place today. i even started a couple of other draft posts, but they just didn't seem right for today. do you ever have days when you just can't quite figure out what to say?!?
the topic of heartbreak is something i think about often. it seems like there is heartbreak everywhere i look-job loss, infertility, divorce, finances, unmet expectations, challenging children or children with challenges, health, loneliness, injury, accident, etc. i could go on and on. what is the purpose of all that heartbreak? i talked about faith and mountains to climb in recent months. i don't think all that heartbreak is for nothing. i truly believe there is a purpose. God doesn't allow that heartbreak just so we can suffer. in fact, i believe with all of my heart that as we experience the inevitable challenges of life, God mourns and suffers with us. we aren't alone. we are never alone. this video went around social media about a year ago, and it really touched me. there is not one single one of us that can get through this life without our share of heartbreak. the challenge is not how can we avoid heartbreak, but how can we take that often times unavoidable challenge and turn it into a beautiful heartbreak.

i would love to know what you think. what are your thoughts on heartbreak? how do you get through challenges? my comments are set up for forum style if you want to interact with each other.

check out the churchy things from some of the other book of mormon bloggers 

and as always, if you want to know more about churchy things specifically the Book of Mormon Blogger project, email me 
aubreyzaruba {at} gmail {dot} com



  1. Love this & I love Hilary Weeks too! I think it's such a wonderful thing to know we aren't alone in this life and we won't go through anything we can't handle.

  2. I love the message of that song! We all have things that we have gone through--whether by choice or not--and if we look back, we can truly see things that we have learned from the experiences.

  3. I love the message of that song! We all have things that we have gone through--whether by choice or not--and if we look back, we can truly see things that we have learned from the experiences.

  4. I love the message of that song! We all have things that we have gone through--whether by choice or not--and if we look back, we can truly see things that we have learned from the experiences.


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