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Friday, September 6, 2013

unblogged bloggables {rachel came to town}

i am severely behind on blogging. i'm sure by this point everyone is sick of me talking about moving, but for real it threw off everything. over the next few weeks i hope to get caught up on all of the unblogged bloggable things of summer.

me, rachel, sunny, eleisha, elizabeth had to leave early

a long long time ago we were all freshmen together at BYU. rachel, sunny, eleisha, and a few other girls were roommates, and i was their adopted roommate. we stayed roommates and neighbors all through college until they eventually got married and moved away (except sunny who still lives in utah but feels like far away). we've had a few reunions over the years, but between babies and bigger kids and crazy lives it's always hard to plan anything. rachel and her family live in australia and came back this summer to visit. the stars aligned and eleisha happened to be in town the same weekend from vegas, we met up for lunch and talked and laughed for hours. i have the very best memories with these girls. we used to joke in college about marrying guys that were all friends and living on the same street. i really wish that would have worked out. it was so much fun spending time with them again. i sure love and miss them like crazy!



  1. Yeah I love being able to get together and catch up with old friends. You look adorable!

  2. It gets so hard to meet up with friends as you get older. I hate that!

  3. That's so nice! I love getting together with old friends. I nominated you for the sunshine award. Post live tomorrow!

  4. aww it's such a treat to see old friends!


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