unblogged bloggables {megan comes to town}
i'm still playing a little bit of catch up around here.
i also updated my sponsor page. i'm just doing swaps right now so email me if you're interested.

megan was one of my very first blog friends. only i didn't even know she was a blogger when i first met her. i actually met her in real life first and then became blog friends. she is one of the sweetest people i know. even though we met in person first, i have gotten to know her so much over the past couple of years. she and her little family moved to arizona for school so we never get to hangout in person. they were in town at the end of the summer so she organized a super fun hangout at the slurp in american fork. i heard about the amazing drinks and sugar cookies, and the place did not disappoint. it was delicious. seeing megan was so fun, and i also got to meet some really great bloggers that night. i love love love new friends, and this night was full of new friends. we finally left the place when the closed but ended up talking outside for at least another hour. we probably could have stayed all night. thanks megan for coming into town and planning such a fun filled night.
I'm still bummed I missed this one!!!