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Monday, November 25, 2013

Blogger Meetups

as much fun as it is to connect with other bloggers in computer space, it's much more fun to meet up with them in real life. i love the big fun blog parties, but it's also fun to get together with smaller groups.

brooklyn got a little group together for dinner at chick fil a

suzzie planned a chilis give back night

hot chocolate night. due to poor planning on my part, i was on day 9 of a 10 day cleanse so no hot chocolate for me, but it was still a very fun time.

i could talk and talk and talk for hours and sometimes we do. i can't wait for more blogger meetups.


  1. I'm always so bummed when I realize that it's late and we need to leave :P I could talk for hours too!

  2. So fun!! I'll have to host a little craft night soon!


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