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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

what would you do...7.0

it's time for another round of what would you do... with kimberly
this month we want to know
WHAT WOULD YOU DO...with a dozen eggs?
i love eggs and thought about all the recipes i could make...deviled eggs, potato salad, scrambled, etc., but everyone already knows how to make those things. so, i chose a craft instead.

i have wanted to glitter eggs forever so this was the perfect chance. the books say to blow out the eggs, but i was way too afraid of the mess. i hard boiled the eggs by baking in the oven (look up on pinterest).
 in addition to eggs, you need glue, glitter, a paintbrush, some bowls (these are from the dollar store and easy to throw away), and wax paper (or cellophane because i forgot wax paper)

 paint egg with glue/roll around in your hand to coat the egg with glue

 dip egg in bowl of glitter
 roll egg around in glitter. use your hands as needed.
 set to dry on cellophane/wax paper
 ready to decorate
 hopefully they will last until easter.

let's hear it. what would you do with eggs? link up with any recipe, craft, etc new or old that involves eggs.
can't wait to go see what kimberly did with her eggs.
join us next month for 
WHAT WOULD YOU DO...with flowers?
be creative. hope you'll join us.


  1. Pretty!!!!! I would need to make these with fake craft eggs because I think throwing them out would be heart breaking!!

  2. Love them!!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. I've wanted to do glitter eggs for so long!!! Joe hates glitter though and wouldn't love me so much if I got it everywhere I think haha

  4. I am all about GLITTER!! Thank you for posting this tutorial I will have to do this for my Easter Eggs this year I'll have to share a photo when I do! Thanks again!



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