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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

blogger roundtable

                                me, Danica, Eliesa, BonnieKimTayler
                                photo credit bonnie

last week bonnie hosted another grow your blog roundtable. the thing about bloggers is we can sit around and talk about blogging forever and ever. instead of a particular theme this month, it was open to questions. we discussed photos and sponsorship and different readers, and why we blog. the night went far too quickly, and i  am certain we could have talked for several more hours. it's always so much fun to get together with other bloggers and talk about all things blog. my particular questions were...

what keeps you coming back to a blog?
if you are a blogger and sponsor blogs, what do you look for in a sponsorship?
what's an ideal price to pay for sponsorship?

if you have any input, i would love to hear it.

speaking of bonnie, a few of us are giving away some cash.
super easy to enter with rafflecopter below

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great idea!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. It would be really neat to be able to get together with a group of bloggers like that.

    1. Ditto, there is so much I feel like I could learn from other, more successful bloggers!


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