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Thursday, April 14, 2016

a combination of favorites

this is going to age me...but there was a time in my adult life when there was no social media. i never got into myspace so i can't even talk about that. i remember when facebook first came out. it was only for college students, and i was already done with college. i talk all the time about being older than i look. i basically just proved my point. i had to wait until facebook was available to everyone or be invited by a student or something like that. it's hard to imagine a time before facebook, but there really was a time before facebook.
on of the first photos i was tagged in on facebook in 2007

maybe you're thinking "you're old. what's your point?" my point is, i moved far far away from home and all of my friends from my childhood to attend college. i stayed pretty close to my college town, but a lot of my friends from college moved away. before facebook and other social media, it was a lot harder to stay in touch with friends-even with the best of intentions. i remember letters in the mail and emails, but those were hard to keep up with. slowly i lost touch with a lot of friends i thought i would stay in touch with forever. thankfully i have been able to reconnect with some but not all. i am a huge relationships person. i love meeting new people and staying in touch with old friends. 

you know what else i love??? reality tv. i mean we all know that right? if i watched more tv, i would probably just watch more reality tv. don't even get me started on is reality tv actually real. i recently found out about a new reality series coming out soon. it's the perfect combination of the 2 things i love the most-friendship and reality tv. it is completely real and authentic and focused on reconnecting lost friendships. doesn't it sound great? they are currently casting for the show. if you are someone you know is interested, check out the details below.
i received compensation for this post

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1 comment:

  1. I joined Facebook my senior year of college! I thought it was super lame when they started allowing HS students on it. LOL! That show sounds interesting...



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