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Monday, August 8, 2016

One Little Word: August Goals

The first of the month came so fast that I missed getting this post up last week. I have been thinking a lot about goals lately. I started out the year picking one little word like I do every year. I picked STILL because it was/is something I need more of in my life. As the year has gone on, part of me thinks maybe I should have picked another word, but the other part of me knows I really do need to focus more on being still.

yearly goals to be still
1. morning and night quiet time-I have quiet time on my way to the gym each morning. My nighttime quiet time has been a lot less consistent.
2. attend the temple monthly-I walked the grounds of the Seattle temple last week. It is such a peaceful experience just being on that sacred ground.
3. color once a week-FAIL-total and complete fail. I did buy some new pens to try.
4. prayer book-keep list of people i need to remember to pray for-the list is beside my bed. I added to the list for the first time in a while.

July goals
1. bed by midnight-100% fail. My sleep has been absolutely ridiculous lately. It is a never ending ongoing goal.
2. spend 2 hours each week on blog things-posts, edits, emails, etc.-I didn't do very well with this goal either. I want to schedule time to actually work on the blog rather than doing it so late every single night.

August goals-mostly fitness related
1. 100 push-ups daily
2. 100 sit ups/abs daily
3. 5 minutes of quiet(no phone or other distractions) stretching 

Did you pick one little word for the year? How are your goals coming?

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