We're more than 2 weeks into 2018, and I am finally sharing my one little word and goals for the year. Being a week behind is a perfect introduction to my word for the year. 2016 taught me to focus on the things that were important and stop making excuses for those things. 2017 helped me embrace the current season of my life and acknowledge that I had to make a time and place for my highest priorities and let some things fall to the back burner. As I thought about my word for 2018, it just came to me one day a few months ago.
In 2018 I want to fill my life with things and people I LOVE and let things go that I do not love. I want to show more LOVE to others and accept more LOVE. I want my life to be full of LOVE.
*attend temple 12 times
*send birthday and other cards monthly
*nightly gratitude journal
*love my body by continuing health and fitness goals
*monthly savings/budget goal to be more accountable for my spending and save more
*monthly savings/budget goal to be more accountable for my spending and save more
*#nojunkjanuary-after eating any and everything I wanted during the holidays, it is time to clean things up
*2 workouts 3x/week-gym and pure barre
*read Loving What Is 5 minutes before bed
*off phone by 10:30
*fun money in cash each paycheck
Do you choose a word or theme for the year? Or set goals or resolutions?
*#nojunkjanuary-after eating any and everything I wanted during the holidays, it is time to clean things up
*2 workouts 3x/week-gym and pure barre
*read Loving What Is 5 minutes before bed
*off phone by 10:30
*fun money in cash each paycheck
Do you choose a word or theme for the year? Or set goals or resolutions?

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