once upon a time i washed my hair every single day. i know i know that's crazy talk. i can't believe i have wasted so much of my life washing my hair. i finally saw the light and discovered dry shampoo. i love the stuff! i have brand hopped a little over the years and recently tried another brand. there are tons of brands and even more reviews. these are the 3 i have tried.
1. suave is hands down my favorite. it smells pretty good, and i can use it more days. i am pretty much a walking spokesperson for suave. i suggest it to any and every one that will listen. if you haven't tried it, go now! i've only tried the silver bottle, and i've heard it's the best.
2. my hair stylist loves kms and had me hooked for a while. it smells really good and adds good texture. before i knew anything else, i really loved kms. they make a great product. i think i like it more for the texture than the dry shampoo.
3. recently love lo posted about not your mother's and convinced me to try it. i use their beachy spray and leave in conditioner so i thought why not?!? i like it. the smell is probably my least favorite of the 3. it gives my hair some good texture, but there really is just nothing that can compare to suave. i like it enough i'll keep using it, but once it's gone i'll probably go back to suave.
and for all you dark hairs (like me) that think you can't use dry shampoo because it makes your hair white, here's a little tip. brush and blow dry the dry shampoo in. you won't even be able to tell.
do you use dry shampoo? what's your favorite.
***don't forget to enter the green brocade necklace giveaway
I use the Tresemme dry shampoo. My hair is naturally wavy, a bit frizzy and I have a TON of it. So when I take the time to straighten it I want it to last 2-3 days. I'll have to try the Sauve brand next since I'm not crazy about the Tresemme. What other hair products do you like? I'm always in the market.
ReplyDeleteI just laughed out loud with your opening statement haha =) I love dry shampoo especially bc my hair is so curly and takes forever to straighten so it means that I can let it be straight a day or so longer than I used to!
I bought that Suave dry shampoo MONTHS ago and I have still been too afraid to try it! I know, I need to!
ReplyDeleteMy hair isn't dark like yours, but if I'm not careful it can leave my hair looking greyish. Ugh. Here's the routine I've found is best for me: I put it on my roots and let it sit for a minute or two, then I scrub my head like I would if I were shampooing it. Then I brush through it with a bristly brush. If my bangs are feeling flat, I'll round brush them a little with a blow dryer. I think my is Tresemme, I need to try Suave's.
ReplyDeletesuave seriously is amazing! it works great!!