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Monday, May 23, 2016

weekend happs

the end of last week was a bit of a booty kicker. i was so excited for the weekend to just relax and regroup a little bit. that's exactly what the weekend was, and it was perfect.

i went to the temple after work on friday. it was actually totally packed, and i couldn't get in for what i planned to do. i decided to take a little time to sit and read and ponder and be still. last week was really busy, and i needed some time to just be still.

i spent the evening with friends which included a good chat with a friend, pop rocks, people eating candy rats, bacon and wasabi gum, and flash tattoos. i mostly caught up on work.

the weather wasn't the best for running on saturday, but we stuck it out anyway. renae and i lasted until the very end. her husband tried to come pick us up a couple of times, but we wouldn't let him. we had a really fun time and didn't realize how cold and wet we were until the end.

i got some things done around the house and ran some errands before meeting some friends to get our nails done. i like painting my nails, but it's always nice when someone else does it.

the rest of the weekend was pretty low key. i worked on some fun projects and pictures that i can't wait to share.

how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

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  1. This weekend looks like so much fun! Good for you for running in the rain! Your dedication is admirable!


  2. Pedicures are the greatest! I need to plan on getting one before this baby comes. Except with Bensen, I ended up timing stuff so perfectly. I got my hair done Wednesday, has my pre-baby pedicure on Friday and he came Saturday. Too bad I had absolutely no control over that ;)


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