we all know how much i hate winter and how much i love summer. remember my valentine's day swap partner, april?!? i'm taking over her blog today to talk about my plans for the summer. head on over and see what i'm doing, and then let me know if you want to join me.
in other news, March is over. i briefly mentioned my March goal of getting all of my facebook pay it forward crafts done in March. i finished them all yesterday afternoon. i'm excited to get them in the mail this week. it ended up being pretty fun, and i'm glad i did it again this year. i'll post some pictures once they have been delivered.
now onto goals for April. April is AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH so my goal for this month is to wear blue everyday.
i did it last year so that makes me think/hope i can do it again. i'll be back tomorrow with a little more autism talk.
with my upcoming early summer plans and a little motivation from a friend, i decided to do no sugar April. it really isn't as bad as it sounds, and it will definitely be good for me.
the year is 1/4 over...yikes? how are your goals?

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