how is it monday again already?!? i am a little bit spoiled. i'm not a teacher, but i have the schedule of a teacher during the school year. basically i can't complain about monday since i've been off work since last wednesday.
i spent thanksgiving down in southern utah with extended family. this was the first time in probably 10 years i haven't spent thanksgiving with my sister. it was definitely different this year, and i missed her and her family a lot, but i still had a great weekend.
even though i am far away from all of my immediate family, i am lucky to have extended family close enough to spend the holiday with.
i went down to st. george thursday morning to celebrate and visit with family.
on friday we did a little black friday shopping
and celebrated my grandpa's 80th birthday. i told him i wanted a picture after dinner and he requested a selfer:)
i did a little more shopping with my aunt and cousin on saturday morning. luckily i ran into my other cousin.
i met up with a friend for dirty diet cokes before heading home
i spent yesterday attempting to get caught up on some projects (details coming)
the weekend was great. i love thanksgiving and the chance to stop and celebrate all the many blessings i have in my life. how was your thanksgiving and weekend? any exciting happs?
because i'm so thankful for all of you, i've teamed up with a few other ladies to say thanks with ad space and gift cards. enter with rafflecopter below.

Sounds like a great weekend. I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing :)