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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

blogging the bach 11.6

once again i don't have a clue what happened last week, and i don't really care. i'm ready to move on, and spending the first half hour finishing up last week is just annoying. i hope they get rid of this format after this season.
who's watching...celsey and amanda and a few comments from husband shawn

cocktail party/rose ceremony
what i saw 
love kaitlyn's look. her extensions look great and make me want some
why didn't they fix joshua's hair? he looks ridiculous
what i heard
i can't wait for him to be on men tell all--amanda about ian
you don't come out of this being the bachelor when you're a d bag--cel
i don't even know your name--cel about the guy that was so confident that he was getting a rose
i can't take you serious as a grown man when you look like the kid from boy meets world--cel about nick
what i thought
if ian is the bachelor, i will stop watching
shawn needs to get his jealousy in check

date #1...nick
what i saw 
totally planned out makeout sesh against the wall x2
nick and kaitlyn are just gross
what i heard
he's wearing lucky charms pants. they're peter pan pants. he looks like he's wearing tights--cel
they would be like the ben and courtney. they wouldn't last--cel
half this show is this guy--shawn walked in and added this one liner
he's like arie. all they do is kiss, and there's no time for conversation--cel
what i thought
i didn't have a lot of respect for kaitlyn before and even less for nick, but now i have none for either. how is she ever going to recover from this? they kind of deserve each other although i don't really think they will end up together.

date #2...tanner, ben z, shawn, jared, ben h, chris
what i saw 
the guys looking pretty hot all dressed up
shawn talking to production--how did we miss his alone time with kaitlyn? or is he just talking about their one on one date last week?
what i heard
i do like his attitude. i do not like his facial hair--cel about jared
she raised her flask--cel
ok everything brings out a romantic side in you except birds--cel
he needs to stop drinking when he's super emotional--cel about shawn
shawn's not going to be the bachelor because he's too big of a baby--amanda
what i thought
i could see ben z being the bachelor
i really like shawn a lot, but he isn't the only one on this show. he's turning into britt a little bit. hopefully he pulls it together.

word tally

i'm certainly not loving this season. the cliffhangers are killing me. i like a lot of the guys, but we barely see them. i never purposely look at spoilers, but i'm about to this season. how are you feeling about this season?

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  1. Yeah... I'm a little annoyed with their format as well. I just don't think Nick looked or sounded like it was much more than a hookup to him kind of... which made me laugh because remember what he said about his time in the fantasy sweet before? And also, there are so many guys left.... I kind of just feel like she's been all into Nick since he got there. Maybe she should have told the show that she was talking to him and given the show to Britt since she found someone great already.... And also, the Britt and what's his bucket stuff is awkward..

  2. I haven't watched this full episode yet, but I keep watching just to see what stupid and ridiculous things Kaitlyn does next.
    I really liked her in the beginning and was proud of her for standing up for herself and sending those guys home that weren't there for her. Now she's just showing that Ian might've been on to something. But along with that, Ian is so full of himself. "women like me!" I agree with you, if he's the bachelor I may hurt myself.
    I love shawn though. No matter how emotional he is, he is so attractive! I'm shallow apparently! :)


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